COVID-19 has jolted us to realizations. We have come to suddenly realize that jobs and careers do not matter as much as living does. Countries have maintained economic restrictions worldwide despite the sufferings this has caused. Everyone can see the sole goal is survival. Great.
Perhaps the positive side to this is that we are now more conscious of ourselves, having realized we are not supermen or women. Drawing on this premise, we have compiled a list of 10 things you must do immediately after this pandemic ends because, as we know now: there’s no assurance of seeing tomorrow.
Here we go.
Establish An Online Source of Income
No doubt about it, this should be the first and foremost on your list. The economic downward spiral has shortchanged most businesses that require physical appearance or contact. Buying and selling of material goods have never been this unappealing. Startups have stunted, and even established companies have been affected. Regardless of these plaques, however, online opportunities keep flowing. Most of my colleagues at work now offer one or two services on the internet, and they are living off it. The income from an online skill may not be up-and-coming at first, but it will certainly cater to your basic needs and wants.
With an online source of cash, you could live through a year without leaving home, although we don’t advise this except you’re a Buddha enthusiast, of course.
Visit People That Matter
There are travel restrictions all over the world, and as such, many have missed those who matter to them. I know a physician that’s got stuck in another country for five months now. But this is not even about people like that. This refers to people you haven’t seen in a long time, probably because you’ve been too busy or just procrastinating. As soon as this ends, you should visit them even if they stay far. In case you can’t afford to travel long distances, you could arrange meetings with them in a convenient spot for you two.
Spend Quality Time With Relevant People
No one is against dedicating time to your career, or at least no one was. But with uncertainties like this pandemic, it may be high time for you to spend a considerable amount of your time with family, friends, or those that matter. Stop putting yourself into your job so much. Attend family functions and outings. If your partner needs you on a day you could be free, why not ensure you’re free? If your kid has a basketball game, you should attend. Stop making excuses for being absent; start being present. Your appearance sometimes is all the motivation they need.
Settle Old Grudges
Isn’t this obvious? So, you’ve been ‘uncool’ with Fred for a long time and haven’t reconciled probably because you’ve been too selfish or uninterested. Well, I suggest you make peace now. Do you know what they say about a man’s entire life flashing before his eyes as he’s about to die? I bet you wouldn’t want to see a flaring grudge you could have settled when that time comes. Plus, who knows where the universe could send you tomorrow? You may want to get over previous disagreements now.
Pursue Fulfillment
Having now realized we may not live as long as we hope, you have to stop holding back. Reaching fulfillment can be tiring, especially as you should have started way before now. Still, that doesn’t count. If you’ve always dreamed of winning an athletic championship, it is never too late to do so. Min Bahadur Sherchan climbed Everest at the age of 76. How many 70-year-olds even walk properly, much more climb the tallest mountain in the world? The goal here is to ensure you live a fulfilled life when you reflect at the end of it all.
Get That Dream Job
Have you been working a tedious job for ten years? Relax, it’s happened to others before you. So, let’s assume you’ve managed to last over five years as a banker although your dream has always been to be in the studio, directing and controlling the broadcasting crew; what’s more, you’re living comfortably but continuously complain about how much of a shitty job you have. No, it’s not your boss; you’re the catalyst. Remember that some of your colleagues are happy with their positions, so why not you? Well, they are living their dreams while you’re merely for the cash. Happiness doesn’t cost much.
See The World
Some people have never been out of their cities, having lived all their lives comfortably, shuffling around a particular place. Perhaps, we’ve always wanted to travel, see, and explore the wonders of the world; there would never be a more appropriate time to do so. Some of us have been unable to even move about in our cities for months now. Nothing would be more liberating than a tour to all the places you’ve dreamed of visiting.
Hit The Gym
Now, this is a point. The restrictions in most cities have made it impossible to use places like the gym. Many of us have lost shape due to this and what’s worse, may now find certain activities difficult to do. It is, therefore, advisable that you hit the gym as soon as you can. Burn those cells and work those muscles. You must return to fitness.
Get On A Diet
It is challenging to maintain your diet when you are home 24/7. I could bet that you’ve added some fat over these months, and we both know what excess fat could cause. You must, hence, get on a strict diet as soon as COVID-19 is over.
Get A Medal
Now, this 10th thing to do might be funny, but it’s right to do so. Those of us who see the end of this pandemic have to get the medal of honor for surviving. I mean, we deserve it. Come on. It is amazingly difficult to adhere to the recommended health guidelines, yet we managed to keep to all and stay safe. Some of us even contracted the virus but recovered. I’m sure everyone agrees these are survivors worth celebrating.