The basic skills of bushcraft are geared towards wilderness survival & thrive. If you’ve always wondered what these skills are (as bushcraft is not exactly mentioned often), worry less; know now with this concise article that looks into it all.
What is the Meaning of Bushcraft?
Bushcraft is concerned with the skills & knowledge acquired when you live outdoors, whether in the snowy mountains, extremely hot desert, wet rainforest, or wherever. The craft is the art of wilderness survival with very little, like the survivalist or more like our founding fathers. Fundamentals of bushcraft include building shelter, gathering & hunting.
As I said already, wherever you are, be it in the forest, island, desert, or mountain, bushcrafting is the art of survival. The craft teaches you all you need to know about outdoor survival so you can conveniently consider the remote wilderness a home away from home.
Is There any Difference Between Bushcraft & Camping?
Bushcraft is similar to camping in features, and both often include the same basic supplies, which are food, water, shelter & fire. But, sure, there are some distinctions between them.
Bushcraft involves survival skills — like camping, but it is more of a primitive lifestyle. This means that it entails hunting, foraging, crafting & other pioneer skills to sustain life. Bushcraft skills include shelter building & fire making, but only by using (at best) and ax & natural resources around.
One of the most popular benefits of bushcrafting is the appreciation of nature that it teaches you. Since bushcrafting is not camping and it is survival, it allows you to spend enough time with nature & enjoy the simplicity of living.
Besides, bushcrafting teaches resilience in all circumstances.
Camping is the act of living in the wild & engaging survival skills to keep living. Camping is done for a couple of purposes, be it to relax & enjoy or to escape a disaster in the city. Whichever your reason is, you’re chanced & able; you can carry high-tech gear along for a more convenient stay. Also, a drive to the park in your RV can be referred to as camping. No?
Apparently, while camping shares skills such as cooking, shelter construction & fire building with bushcraft, it is much more extravagant & easier.
So, yes, there’s a difference between bushcraft & camping.
6 Basic Skills of Survival Involved in Bushcraft
As earlier said, bushcraft is all about thriving in the wilderness, and this is exactly what you learn with its core skills. Let’s see these skills below:
Foraging, Gathering & Hunting
To survive in the wild, you have to be able to identify healthy plants & fruits. Doing this will prevent you from consuming poisonous plants that may severely harm or even kill you. You should then have the willingness and strength to gather nuts and fruits. Lastly, you should be able to hunt down animals; else, there’s no meat to eat.
Fire Building
One has to make a fire using natural materials around him if he were to thrive in the wilderness. Bushcraft will teach you how to build a fire easily, even without matches or a lighter.
Water Collection & Purification
Collecting water in the wilderness is essential to your survival. There are several ways to do this, such as rainwater & stream. After water collection comes purification. Water in the wild is usually non-potable and has to be purified before drinking.
Shelter Construction
You have to be able to construct shelters using only materials in your surroundings. Shelters are your protection from the harsh elements of the wilderness.
Treating Injuries
You will not always carry a well-equipped first-aid kit, so you must be able to treat injuries & common diseases using plants around you. Fortunately, there are a lot of medicinal plants to choose from.
Navigating & Traveling
You have to be able to navigate the woods without a phone with GPS or maps. You should be able to read a map or use a compass, as this can be your only hope home in some instances.
Gear to be Packed in Your Bushcraft Kit
Taking a cue from the six fundamentals of bushcrafting, you may already have an idea of the necessary gear to pack when you hit the wilderness to bushcraft. Remember, the idea is to pack the minimum. No high-tech gadgets or advanced devices.
The following are the equipment to come with to the wild when you bushcraft:
Bushcrafting is very keen on cutting wood, so a saw is necessary since it is the easiest to use. A knife or hatchet will give you a very tough time cutting logs of wood.
Fishing Line & Hook
These objects, which are fortunately lightweight, are the basics needed to catch a fish. Fishing can be the main source of meat on a bushcrafting trip, so make sure you come with them.
Some consider this extravagant, but I think otherwise. You may want to make hot tea or coffee. Just place the kettle over your campfire.
A knife is extremely important in bushcrafting. From digging to cutting cords, whittling & carving wood, there are several uses for a knife. You are advised to come with a good survival knife on a bushcrafting trip. Your knife can also be used for self-defense, eating & shaving.
Tarpaulin & Paracord
A tarp provides you with space to sleep or live in. All it does is provide shade from the sun or rain, so I think it isn’t an excess. Come with a cord too to use to attach your tarp to suitable trees. There are several uses for your Paracord, so you have to come with it.
Wash kit
Come with simple hygiene items to use for cleaning the body & brushing your mouth. Remember that extreme dirtiness can lead to sickness in the wild.
First-aid Toolkit
Pack necessary items in your first-aid kit, although you can decide to keep things small. I say you have sufficient tools to treat minor & critical injuries.
You may not always be with a phone. Besides, it is hi-tech. So, go with a compass you can read to avoid getting lost.
Come with lightweight, durable & waterproof clothes, particularly if you plan a lot of walking & mountaineering. If you expect chilly nights, pack clothing that will keep you warm. Remember spare clothing too, particularly your underwear.
Concluding The Basic Skills of Bushcraft
Apparently, there are just six basic skills of bushcraft, all of which cut across every survival activity in the wild. You can’t do without bushcrafting. In fact, you may as well be practicing already if you didn’t pack so much equipment when you go camping. Hit the wild to bushcraft one of these days & tell us how the experience is.