Like much in life, survival isn’t a singular concept, but a vast topic with multiple practices and requirements ranging from the basics to advanced. But regardless of your age or expertise, you can gain a better understanding through learning the five pillars of survival, the focus of this FPA-exclusive course.
Before we take a look at what the 5 pillars of survival are, it’s important to note some pillars are more important than others. However, it’s impossible to pinpoint which of the pillars is the most important.
The importance of each pillar can easily be deduced by contemplating how long you would survive without it. And rest assured you need all 5 pillars to survive – without one, it can be a matter of days or even hours before you succumb to permanent damage or even death.
But the specific circumstances and unique risks faced in any given survival scenario will also dictate how important any one pillar of survival is in relation to the others.
You might even find without having prepared a particular pillar in advance, your surroundings allow for natural provision. Conversely, you might find the pillar you thought was least important ends up being your downfall.
To adequately prepare yourself and your family for survival, you should consider all 5 pillars to be equally important. As an over-simplification, you could even say the missing (or otherwise weakest) pillar is the most important for improving your chances of survival.
So, what are these 5 pillars of survival?
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