Getting to know about the deadliest animals in North America increases your chances of avoiding them and beating them. It’s as they say, “know your enemy to beat him”, although this knowledge may not be helpful if you do not act with caution.
And meanwhile, it is common knowledge that there are tens of dangerous animals in North America, but there are no doubts that there are hierarchies to their deadliness. Anyway, let’s see what we have on our list.
3 Deadliest Animals In North America
The animals on this list do not come as a surprise to anyone. They are all well known for their ruthless killing ability and unrivaled tracking instinct. When you hit the wild of North America, you surely have to be extra careful. However, there is a shocking inclusion too, which you’ll see as you continue reading.
Let’s see the three deadliest animals in the region, and uncover how to stay safe regardless of where you camp.
American Alligator
Within a year, not less than five persons have lost their lives to alligator attacks; three happening in Florida, spaced only by a few months. Disney World’s horror incident of 2016 is difficult to forget, isn’t it? Clearly, this reptile has to be one of the most dangerous animals in North America.
Alligators are ideally built for killing. They have sharp killer teeth, sturdy jaws, and can move about very sneakily. What else would a Terminator need? Maybe a pair of dark, cool-looking shades.
Commonly Found Habitats: Often live in slow-moving marshes, rivers, lakes, and swamps in southern America, cutting across North Carolina to Rio Grande, Texas.
What They Eat: Don’t be fooled when your alligator looks harmless. He must have been learning dubiousness from a snake. An alligator is a carnivore, and although it eats fish, frogs, birds, snails & other invertebrates, mammals are not excluded from the recipe. That reptile will come for the kill if you choose to lay down with it — thank God it lives in dirt, and no one would want to lie in that.
What To Do During An Encounter: First, your gun is your first line of attack (defense) when faced with danger. However, if you’re not with a firearm or would simply prefer to avoid alligators, keep away from water from dusk to nightfall, as that is when their aggression reaches the peak. Ensure that kids & pets are kept far from water too, as movement sounds easily attract alligators. Should you come across an alligator suddenly, remain calm & disappear from the scene slowly. You don’t want to set the fella off with panicked movements.
Arizona Bark Scorpion
And here comes the unpleasant surprise already… the Arizona bark scorpion, rightly earning its tag as one of the deadliest arachnids ever on our tired planet. The venom of this insect is as deadly as that of a venomous serpent. A sting from this arachnid causes tingling, numbness, unbearable pain & perhaps immobility, and convulsions in specific parts of the body. In severe cases, a bite may lead to mouth-frothing, absolute confusion, paralysis & trouble breathing.
But here’s the good news (if any): healthy adults have a high chance of surviving a sting from the Arizona bark. Typically, pets, children, seniors & adults with low-resistance immune functions are at the greatest risk of paralysis or death.
Commonly Found Habitats: Southwestern America & northern Mexico, especially along the Sonoran desert.
Natural Food Preferences: Crickets, Roaches & Beetles. They don’t even have the ability to feed on you, you see. Some animals just want to see humans burn; great quote, Joker!
What To Do In Case Of An Encounter: These scorpions are hard to kill, thanks to their tough exoskeleton. When threatened, they turn very aggressive and are most likely to attack. If you come across one, avoid attempting to kill it because it’s big trouble if you don’t. The ideal thing is to leave the area ASAP, or at best, trap it in a container — but only if possible.
They may come to visit you at home too on some days. So, you should keep your home clean and have an insecticide handy. Keep in mind that ordinary bug sprays are unlikely to affect scorpions.
Mountain Lion/Cougar
Throughout history, the most dangerous killers (primarily among humans) have been great strategists who had the patience to wait and the insightfulness to figure out an opportunity while waiting. You don’t think that Hitler just woke up abruptly one morning and started killing Jews, do you? Well, the mountain lion isn’t anything less.
The cougar is a master planner who takes his time to strategize. This animal has reportedly tracked campers’ home, made surveillance, and then attacked when they were at their weakest moments. That’s not an instinctual move; it’s actual intelligence. In addition to this rare ability, this killer is remarkably fierce and stealthy. Throw in his unwavering courage, and you find out that you indeed are facing a beast.
Most Common Habitats: Mostly, cougars live in western America and Canada, but recently, there are reports of sightings in the eastern US and the Midwest.
Feeding Preferences: The mountain lion is a brave carnivore that relishes the dangers of hunting large prey, such as elk and deer. Perhaps this is why humans don’t scare it.
What To Do Upon A Meet: For all of the cougar’s fierceness and intelligence, it is beatable when you mean to. This may explain why it tracks people down. So, if you run into this fella and he refuses to run away, your first step is to make some noise. Speak firmly and loudly, and try to make yourself look frightening by puffing your arms.
If you’re holding an item you don’t mind losing, say a water bottle, hurl it at the cougar. However, NEVER bend down to source for an object to throw — that’s a classic stance to incite a pounce response. If the animal does not run even away hurling at it, retreat slowly with your eyes steadily fixed on his. Do not turn your back on him or start running because that will earmark you as prey.
Do not keep your kids or pet in front of or behind you. They should be by your side instead. And if you eventually have to fight the cougar, do so bravely. There are several reports of humans who have fought off this animal using stones, sticks, or even bare hands. None is as effective as a gun, though.
Concluding The Deadliest Animals In North America
It wasn’t difficult to earmark the above mentions as the three deadliest animals in North America. One only needs to look at their kill records as well as hunting capabilities to make his decisions. However, there are several other deadly killers in the North American wilderness; we’ll see more of them in our next post.