If you’re looking for digital ways to make more money for prepping, there’s a good chance your spouse is having complaints about how much of your professional salary is going into gear acquisition.
If that’s not your situation, it could be anything else. But the bottom line remains that you need to up your income. Not so?
This article will give you insight into the side gigs you can do to make extra money without affecting your official job.
Or they could be your main sources of income too. You could, as a survivalist, be in your small shelter shed and make thousands of dollars on your system — or even a mobile phone.
4 Digital Ways to Make More Money for Prepping
Freelance Writing
For a person who enjoys writing & creating content, there are few ways of earning money that trumps freelancing. With the right connections, you can get gigs to create blog posts or write articles in your free time.
The pay can be discouraging at first, but trust an improvement as your skill is honed more. I advise settling for a niche that interests you, so you find it easier to flow. It will be in your best interest if your education overlaps that niche, too, so you can refer to yourself as an expert.
You can start on Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer, or any other freelancing site.
Create a Digital Product
If you’re someone who reads a lot, the chances are that you know a lot of things many people don’t. Well, you can convert your knowledge to money.
You can create a digital course, workbook, or printable offering your knowledge to those whom you’re sure will need it. That’s called the target market.
When you’re done & ready to sell, platforms like SendOwl can help you sell to customers. You may create a website, too & add the buy now button for easier accessibility. You may also run an affiliate program that pays others to market the product for you.
Before creating a digital product to sell, you must be sure that it’ll solve the needs of your target market.
If you feel you can write a book, it’s time to do so. Get it out now. You can become a self-publisher on Amazon Kindle & hand over sales and delivery to them, so you’ll be paid a percentage on every copy sold.
You can consider audiobooks too for those who prefer listening. And if your digital attempts are successful, you can create a paperback version of the book.
If you’re facing problems with finances due to gear purchases, you must know a lot about prepping already. Why not sell what you know to others?
Teach English Online
With a bachelor’s degree, there’s the potential to earn as much as $22 per hour teaching the basics of English to children or adults all over the globe. The company typically prepares all materials to use for instructing, so you don’t have to wonder what to teach.
However, you’ll need an excellent internet connection for this gig to work — as you’ll teaching online. Start at VIPKID, Teach Away, GogoKid or iTutorGroup.
Concluding the Digital Ways to Make More Money for Prepping
There are tons of digital ways to make more money for prepping. All it’ll cost you is self-development & improvement. You may not have any skill now, but you can always learn online. YouTube & Udemy are good sites to start. Whatever you decide to do, the goal is not to quit prepping for any reason.