Coming with the essential gear when mountaineering makes it easier to deal with the possible disasters on the mountainside. Some of these dangers include rockslides, avalanches & wildlife attacks. Continue reading to be adequately prepared for whatever happens when you find yourself on a mountain.
7 Essential Gear When Mountaineering
You must wear the appropriate clothing in high-altitude regions because of the freezing temperatures up there. Exposing yourself without any protection may cause death quicker than having no water.
As a result, it is necessary to wear as many layers of clothing as possible. Don’t worry about the heat because you can always take off some layers later on. Don’t come with cotton clothes as it loses its ability to keep you warm when wet, and it becomes much heavier too. Opt for wool & synthetic clothes instead.
You have to wear sturdy shoes that provide excellent traction & are waterproof too. Lastly, thick, insulating hats, facial coverings & gloves are also important to pack when gearing up for the mountains.
Walking Stick
You can buy your walking stick at the store or simply make one from nature. The uses of this stick are quite plenty. It helps to maintain balance, assess the solidity & depth of ice & snow, and can serve as a crutch too when you’re injured.
Goggles or sunglasses help to lessen the possibility of developing snow blindness. This is a condition caused by staring at the sun’s reflection on the snow for too long. Besides this, goggles will help to shield your eyes from injurious objects like blowing snow, tree branches & random debris.
Camp Stove
It is recommended to come with a portable camp stove that uses a fuel canister due to the low chance of finding resources & the freezing temp that’s sure to be up there. Such gear will help you start a fire with ease — which is a great thing considering that natural fuel may be unavailable on the mountain.
Metal Container
Metal containers are preferable to plastic ones when you’re mountaineering. This is because you’ll have to boil water before drinking. When out of your water supply, you can always boil snow to drink — and that’s never possible with a plastic container. Heated water keeps you warm on such a cold terrain — you should cherish it.
Food is vital in mountainous terrains because your body system works hard to warm you with previously-stored energy in the body. You should pack some emergency foods like freeze-dried foods & energy bars.
You should also consider a bow, fishing kit, snares, firearm & some knowledge on wildlife.
Fire Building Kit
A fire building kit is always pertinent — especially if you’re a newbie, but it’s never more important than when you’re on a freezing mountain. Items that make up your kit are stormproof matches, a butane lighter, magnesium rods, ferrocerium & a lot of tinder.
Concluding the Essential Gear When Mountaineering
Other essential gear when mountaineering include a functioning first-aid kit, a knife, chopping tool, folding shovel, shelter, flashlight & cordage. The list may never end. Shelter is especially important. In the absence of gear to use, you should build a snow shelter if there’s enough snow. Else, you’d have to use your clothes.