In the initial part of this article, we recounted three expert recommendations for getting through 2021, and as we concluded, there are many more suggestions to keep to. Remember that 2020 gave no warning signs. Regardless of how the future looks, we need to plan. Let’s see what else survival experts recommend doing.
4 Expert Recommendation for Getting Through 2021
Stockpile Your Bug Out Bag
The state of your bug out bag when SHTF can be a significant determinant of how your survival (escape) goes. Your bug out bag is the grab & go bag that contains all essentials needed to move when necessary. It has to be regularly updated therefore if you would like to be prepared.
Get rid of damaged gear or what you consider unnecessary now & throw more important stuff inside. Your bug out bag has to be durable, easy to move with & tough enough to weather tough conditions. There are already prepared bug out bags that you can buy, as well as ordinary bags that you need to stock yourself.
Prepare for Power Failure
Power outage is not a regular occurrence, but it does happen & there’s no assurance that it won’t happen this year. We need to consider the possibility of storms & other natural catastrophes. But there’s even more. With the invasion of the Capitol by some Americans, there’s little assurance that people won’t attack power sources one of these days.
There are several alternatives to electricity. You can incorporate solar energy systems into your home operations from now, so you don’t have to struggle with the setup when SHTF. There is also the option to harness energy from wind, although it’s not an everyday process.
Get The Kids Prepped
We understand that the safety of your kids is your responsibility in normal times & when SHTF. But you won’t be there for them always. There’s no guarantee that you’ll be beside them when disaster hits your town. So the best thing you could do is prepare them for whatever may come.
You should orientate them according to their age groups. The littlest ones should be taught the basic things to do when things appear out of the ordinary while the older ones are taught more advanced lessons. You can arrange with neighbors or close people to look out for them when you’re not home, but they must understand the basis of emergency survival too.
Are we clear?
Get Geared for Spring Gardening
Spring will come, don’t you think? And it will be here before you realize it. That means just one thing: time to garden! Start planning now to have a clear picture of what to plant when spring comes. With an apparent target to meet, building an excellent survival garden will not be a problem.
Draw up plans of the plants to cultivate & identify the manner of cultivation from now to be sure no problem is encountered when spring comes.
Concluding Expert Recommendations for Getting Through 2021
2021 is still in its wee hours. There is still sufficient time to see through your plans for the year. Can we hear from you? Which of the above expert recommendations for getting through 2021 are you keeping to first? If you think we’ve missed any, let’s hear from you.