Exploring military field manuals is not something many people do. In fact, very few people talk about military manuals. If you could check out the library of every prepper you know, I bet that at least 70% wouldn’t have any such book on their shelves.
Military manuals are helpful yet underrated. You already know that the US Military trains and equips soldiers to defend our country and fight wars in other countries, but did you know they are a very large educational institution too?
Every seaman, airman, and soldier has his specific duties, which are best broken down in manuals. Military manuals are simple and easy to understand.
Here are the titles I suggest that you start with. Note though that these books can’t replace experience. If you want firsthand experience, your local military recruiter is the one to meet.
Top Titles For Exploring Military Field Manuals
FM 21-76 (Survival)
This manual has been in use for decades and hasn’t lost relevance. It is a comprehensive collection of every survival basics for doing well in adverse situations. The manual covers food, water, shelter, fire, medical, navigation, and self-defense, and plenty of other useful information that’ll help. There is a passage on the appropriate mentality to survive when the chips are down. Really, this is one of the most effective field manuals you’ll ever find. And true to form, it is written in simple terms and contains zero fluff.
MCWP 3-15 (Sniping)
This manual provides deep insight into everything you’ll come across if you were a sniper. The book focuses on the basics of excellent marksmanship and mentions fundamentals for tracking, camouflaging, and target prioritization. Your go-to if you find yourself daydreaming of shooting a lion 2 kilometers away more often these days.
FM 21-20 (Physical Fitness Training)
FM 21-20 covers diet, physiology, and every other aspect of physical fitness. Attaining physical fitness indeed requires a lot of work and dedication. There’s no better guide than this manual for getting all the background information needed to start and maintain your dedication.
GTA 05-02-013 (Not Getting Lost)
This manual addresses a very relevant piece of skill to have in the wild: getting back home, base or camp. GTA provides sufficient information on everything required for navigation in a simple way.
FM 2-22.3 (Human Intelligence)
This manual is about becoming a human intelligence collector, which may be described as an interrogator or spy, depending on the situation. This book prepares you for the role and tells you the responsibilities required of you. It is the manual to understand why people do what they do. There are excellent techniques for asking questions and getting the correct answers. This is where you learn that sincere, honest, and straightforward questioning is effective on 90% of captured enemies.
Conclusion On Exploring Military Field Manuals
Exploring military field manuals has to be a top priority on your list. Stock these important manuals in your library and read them regularly to be a master at survivalism. There’s no telling where you may find yourself; it’s best to be prepared come what may.