Last week, we looked at a list of five global catastrophes to prepare for: flood, water shortage, and earthquakes. In this concluding piece, we’ll look at some other catastrophes that may affect the world soon.
But why are we insistent on preparing for catastrophes?
Well, the Covid-19 pandemic has certainly taught us that we can’t ever prepare enough for these disasters, can we? But that doesn’t mean that we leave ourselves vulnerable to whatever may come our way. So, in our little ways, we must prepare to survive if catastrophe ever strikes.
5 Global Catastrophes To Prepare For
We do not prepare because we are preppers; we are preppers because we prepare.
The discussions on wildfires never end, more so when one is destructively ravaging California at present. Don’t forget that Canada has suffered a similar fate this same year. Wildfires have been a constant presence on the annual list of catastrophes, and while there still isn’t a plan to stop them forever, there are several strategies to never be caught up in one.
First, heat waves are often a precursor to wildfires. This means that you should get your guard up soon as the radio mentions a heatwave sweeping through the woods. There are two common techniques for preventing or limiting the devastation of a wildfire: setting up defensible space and using fire-resistant materials in the building.
A defensible space is a cleared out, chemically treated, or reduced area surrounding a home that starves fire of things it could eat to spread. If your home has a defensible space, then a wildfire may not get to it. The other option is self-explanatory: minimize or avoid the usage of flammable materials while building. You can make do with brick, concrete, or metal either for the walls or roof.
Tsunamis, much like wildfires, are a recurring cast on the American catastrophic scenes. They are chiefly caused by major disruptions in large water bodies, just as other catastrophes like earthquakes, landslides, and volcanic eruptions. Also, although rarely, falling space meteorites can cause any of these disasters.
Tsunamis are crushing. When they happen, especially if impromptu, tsunamis lead to heartbreaking consequences — which catastrophe doesn’t anyway? Properties and lives are mere particles in a tsunami.
Fortunately, for all of its tempestuous, damaging abilities, tsunamis can be predicted. This explains why they rarely cause the most horrible results these days. Familiarize yourself with the local tsunami warning system. If you get information early, you can make evacuation plans beforehand, such that only property is destroyed.
The indifference of some people towards prepping baffles me. Some states in our nation are disturbed continuously by catastrophes, so why the lackadaisical attitude towards survival? Hurricanes, just like the other two disasters we’ve treated above, are common. There is no escape from these horrors; we can only face them.
Hurricanes are a whirlwind of destruction! Unrelenting, twirling, ravaging winds. They are hardly predictable, nor can their consequences be belittled. Really, you may have a hard time preparing for a hurricane. Thus, my best piece of advice would be to insure your property from hurricane destruction. Your best bet is to settle for a reputable brand that has been tested and trusted over time, and that, more importantly, has the resources to handle your claims.
Hurricanes can have a hard time destroying reinforced buildings, especially when the said building was erected for the specific purpose. As such, you should build a safe house in your yard. This can be a safe place to hide when the air becomes violent. However, if necessary and possible, you should evacuate to a locale that is marked safe.
Infectious Diseases
There possibly couldn’t be a better time to discuss preparations for infectious diseases. The world is still smarting from the effects of Covid-19. Millions of businesses are destroyed, while hundreds of thousands of lives are lost. Covid-19 occurred across the globe: Asia, Europe, Southern America, and Africa. But despite our state-of-the-art medical services, we are the worst-hit nation, and the reason is straightforward: delay in action.
We refused to prepare and act when we had the time. Now, we must ensure that such an occurrence never happens again. By now, you most likely know that it is very easy to contract communicable diseases. Even before the pandemic, we had already discovered viruses and bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics, shortly called superbugs.
So, here’s what to do. Stay updated on all news concerning outbreaks of diseases wherever it may be. And as you’ve learned now, minimize contact with others except when necessary or, rather, when they are safe. Read more about these diseases and, if you can, work with health orgs.
Terrorist Attacks
As a nation, we have learned how devastating and far-reaching the whims of terrorism can be. The wounds of 9/11 are all too fresh on our hearts; may the victims find solace. I want to believe that every hand is on deck to curtail terrorism.
Terrorism is worldwide. It is a dark, traveling cloud that dampens the skies of several countries across the world. The middle East and Africa remain the most terrorized regions globally, but this doesn’t mean that anywhere is safe.
So, we have to stay alert. It is unarguable that the government is chiefly responsible for our safety, and it is easy to see that many agencies are working towards that effect. Nevertheless, we have to be on the lookout. We have our roles to play, which are –in fact– as paramount as the roles of the government.
Report suspicious activity immediately. Do not delay. The police and Intel agencies are only a call away. All it takes to contain the evil is a tipoff from you.
Concluding The Global Catastrophes To Prepare For — Part II
There are several other global catastrophes to prepare for. Examples include volcanoes, sinkholes, World War 3, and bomb radiation. The list is inexhaustible, and not even a third piece on the discourse will be enough to tick every item. This is why I selected the more common and realistic catastrophes. Remember, in all things, moderation, except prepping.