Knowing beforehand the groups of people who won’t survive in the wild can be a lifesaver if you know any of them. Or, in fact, it could save your life. You may be the one with the habits that’ll leave you scurrying for safety in the wild as soon as you get there.
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re quite attentive to prepping. So, while you may be forgiven for thinking that everyone with prep knowledge will survive the scary terrains, you should know that some sorts of preppers leave themselves in a position that complicates everything.
Well, now that we know this, who are these people?
Let’s find out below.
Shortlisting 4 Groups Of People Who Won’t Survive In The Wild
Gear Fanatics
Brown, wavy hair, dark shades over the eyes, witty comments 24/7, and a lot of disastrous, unnecessary shooting. If you remember Will Smith’s obsession with gear when he was first employed in Men in Black, you have an idea of who we are looking for already.
Some of us strongly believe that every problem can be solved with a piece of gear. These people believe that your survival skill sets, terrain experience & the difficulties involved in executing a task properly are not important at all.
Their mantra could be “in gear we trust!” or whatever will capture their distorted perception. Unfortunately, some Americans champion belief in this fallacy.
Truly, having the appropriate gear will make survival a lot easier. Still, you must realize that the experience & guided confidence that comes with having some experience can never be ignored. No amount of gear will solely be enough for survival.
The complete gear set will not replace the technical know-how for building a fire, erecting a shelter, tracking down games, sourcing out water, picking plants & avoiding the poisonous ones, and even the simple act of selecting the ideal campsite.
Apparently, gear fanatics hold the wrong belief, and that I find worrying because fanatics never agree they are wrong.
Urbanites are not your typical city guys & girls. Most of us live in cities with speeding cars & fuming exhausts after all, but plenty of us don’t enjoy life here. We can’t wait to break free.
To the urbanite, your definition of breaking free is his concise explanation for bondage. This is because he loves life in the city. He is a true part of the city, and the city is a part of him too. Living inside the metropolis is his baseline. He does not feel alive in the absence of towering constructions & continuous honking of vehicles.
People like this feel greatly out of place in a natural setting or even a place that’s not as sophisticated as the city. Place your bet on them when it comes to the first horses to trip among the racers. They obviously will do poorly in a wilderness survival setting.
The amusing thing about this category of people is that you reading this could be one of them. You gladly tell people & yourself that you’ll easily bug out into the wild when things go completely out of control, but you can’t be bothered to hit the hiking trails for any reason.
The Unfit — Physically or Mentally
If you’re badly out of shape, chances are you’ll be among the first casualties when the going gets tough. This is because you’ll have a difficult time surviving most scenarios. In fact, bugging in can be problematic for such a person; how much more bugging out into the treacherous outdoors.
Bugging out in an SHTF situation is not the same as camping. You’ll be having a lot to do as well as tons of strenuous activities to complete if survival is your priority.
There is so much to do. Scouting the campsites, setting up camp, gathering & processing wood for a campfire, foraging for food, sourcing out water, clearing brush & debris, tracking games for hours & many other activities are things that you must do to survive. And none of them can be done lying in bed with headsets over your ears.
While it is true that there’ll be some resources to glean off the forest even without stressing yourself, you’d still require some effort to make use of these supplies. If you are flappy, out of shape & thereby cannot complete strenuous tasks at all, you will have a reduced work capacity — which is only going to decrease your chances of survival.
You may have to deal with the cold weather on a particular morning, and if you haven’t gathered firewood enough for such purposes, you may find yourself in deep shit. The elements may get to your camp, too, meaning that you may have to seek alternatives to your shelter. Pray that you’re up to the task of packing & schlepping your valuables.
The Arrogant
The woods are truly appealing & mysterious, bringing rare peace & tranquility and a unique sense of grounding. Spending time alone here will surely help you gather your thoughts.
However, this doesn’t entail that the woods are the safest places on earth. They can be very dangerous for whoever goes into it unprepared, and it’s even worse for the arrogant ones.
A person who walks majestically & turns a blind eye to all things important due to his “confidence” level will not last long at all in the wilderness. In fact, they are typically the first to say bye to earth.
The forest cannot be cheated. An individual cannot overlook protocols & act in defiance of what’s sensible & safe, yet expect to live long. It’s only a matter of time before they step into a landmine they obviously should not, or before a branch of tree falls on them for refusing to leave an area where they can apparently tell is unsafe.
You may be male alphas, but the woods don’t recognize that. Except if you can also be an alpha wolf. Or at least a cunning serpent.
Final Lines On The Groups Of People Who Won’t Survive In The Wild
Identifying the groups of people who won’t survive in the wild can be very helpful if you have family & friends around you. Check for your habits among the categories listed above & see if you’re guilty as charged. Remember that wilderness survival is not a piece of cake; you don’t want to be the story told to remind others of that.