Even if there were no hacks for a successful night hunting, most hunters (who have hunted at night before) would still prefer to hunt at night. They would like to continue using a night vision scope. Hunting at night appears more intense & dramatic and —according to hunters— is more thrilling.
Hunting at nighttime is quite thought-provoking. As such, it may not be advisable for an inexperienced hunter to go for a night hunting, given that a night hunter has to keep a lot in mind as he slithers sneakily through the dark.
5 Hacks for a Successful Night Hunting
Whether seasoned or novice, most hunters have a hard time making considerable kills while hunting at nighttime. This is understandable given that some animals are more active at night & the general quiet means that the hunter has to be more careful with his footsteps. Coupled with the fact that lighting at night is very obvious to animals & that the hunter cannot hunt at night without carrying his headlamp, you may yet be starting to understand the technicalities required for a successful night on the hunting grounds.
Relax though. In this article, we’ll look at five tips that’ll help you make a killing when you hit the woods at night. So, turn on your gun’s safety switch for now & continue to sharpen your arrows as you read. Here are five hacks for hunting at night.
Appropriate Location
Selecting the proper location is an essential requirement of nighttime hunting. The jungle is a place for lethal, deadly animals, with a superb vision in the dark, thereby robbing you of the element of surprise. Just as you would during daytime hunting, you have to find a very good hiding spot. I suggest that you visit your preferred location during the day to identify a spot that’ll do the job.
First off, do not go to a place that’s full of dead animals. Nighttime isn’t for playing with animals or gathering experience. If you’re not extremely careful, you are hunted down before you even know it.
Second, pick a location that has a place from which you can overlook the environment. What I mean here is finding a higher ground wherever you choose to hunt. This will help you to spot games more easily. However, if there’s no higher ground where you’re hunting (probably because it’s a field), take advantage of the woods to conceal your presence.
If you are with fellow hunters, stay close to facilitate communication, although you all can go far from one another if you carry a good 2-way radio. Communication is key. It’s dark already, so being able to pass information when it matters may save lives.
Proper Lighting
There’s no need for anyone to emphasize the importance of lighting in night hunting before you realize it. Your intended prey are mobile & even fast, so inadequate lighting is sure to see that the games dash past you before you realize.
Most hunters are under the misconception that white light is advisable due to its radiance, but I daresay this is somewhat wrong. White lights are to be used sparingly & wisely. Games like coyotes, fox, bobcats & other animals will recognize the threat from a yard away and stay far & hidden. No clear shot that night.
You’re advised to use red light with a reflective glow that will get in your prey’s eyes. White brilliant lighting can do this too, but what animal will hang around having seen the radiance from far away? So, I recommend that you use red lighting to track & then when finally in the presence of your game, turn on your brilliant white light. This will instantly cause confusion on its part, leaving it much more vulnerable to kill.
I believe you’ll have your weapon drawn at this moment.
Use Night Vision Scopes
If you can afford to buy a night vision scope, you have to first know that there’s a lot of options available to select from, including riflescopes, night vision scopes & thermal imaging devices. They are all designed for night hunting or generally dark places. What they do is enable you to see through the dark even without light.
With this device, you can see very clearly regardless of where you’re at. This is much better than using lighting, as there is no means to notify the animals. Unfortunately, night vision scopes are costly & many can’t, therefore, afford them. However, if you’re keen on nighttime hunting, I emphasize that you get one of these.
Let’s check out the specialty of each type of night vision scope:
- The thermal scope is best when chasing a game. With the use of thermal heat mapping, your visibility is improved.
- The riflescope is recommended when you aren’t running after the prey & you both are immobile or moving very slowly.
- The night vision scope is best for overlooking extensive coverage. It is also very rugged and can withstand heavy recoil.
Check for the specifications of your night vision scope before selecting a product.
Master Your Hunting Call
The hunting call is a misleading sound that you can make to draw out animals & lead them into your traps. As you may expect, it is the imitation of these animals. It is a particularly helpful technique at nighttime due to the restricted visibility & concealed preys.
There are several devices that you can buy to help mimic these sounds, although you can choose to do the calling yourself. Whatever works best for you.
Be ready to discharge your shot as soon as your call lures out your prey.
Have Some Patience
The saying “patience is a virtue” extends to night hunting. You have to know that these animals won’t fall in your laps like snow in a snow rain. You’ll have to remain patient in your hiding place & keep calling out to the animals. If you spend about 1 hour in a spot & can’t find prey, you may change your location.
Concluding The Hacks for a Successful Night Hunting
Hunting has always involved discipline & a lot of attention. Nighttime hunting demands even more of that. Still, some help does not hurt. While we may not have discussed infallible hacks for a successful night hunting, keeping to the above tips along with the maintenance of your efforts will surely pay off. Do you have any tips on nighttime hunting? Let’s hear from you.