As a prepper, I strongly believe you know that the bank is not included among the ideal locations to hide your stash of money.
Why should anyone even consider banks for storing a huge sum of money? They are typically among the first casualties when the society collapses — that’s your money gone.
This begs the question: where should you store your large amounts of money for the rainy days?
I can’t advise you to keep everything you have at home for obvious reasons. You don’t want to be running to take out of the cash for every necessity, nor do you want to leave your future savings where anyone can easily reach it.
If you have to keep any at home, the best thing to do would be to divide your money into several portions & store one at home. But when this is done, where do you keep the remaining bags?
Let’s see below.
4 Ideal Locations to Hide Your Stash of Money
In case you were wondering, a safe is not among the locations shortlisted below. Why?
Well, safes are often too conspicuous: going for one that isn’t would cost a lot. That aside, in case of an attack, the safe could be carted away as a whole to be opened elsewhere — especially if it contains worthy items. Also, they aren’t safe in your home. Criminals could point a gun to your head while you open your locks. Officially unsafe.
But, with banks & safes out of the mix, what other places can we store money then? You’ll see.
Bury The Cash
Burying money has always been an aged method of safeguarding money from prying eyes & sticky fingers. Surely, if it was practiced by even pirates, then it’s okay for us too.
This is, however, a very strenuous option, but it is also one of the most secure ways to store your cash. When appropriately seem to, no one knows you have any cash; much more have ideas of where to search for it.
If you’d like to do this thoroughly, and you should, you have to follow a procedure involving many steps. The first step is to sort the money into stacks before sealing each portion up inside heavy-duty, vacuum-sealed bags.
When done, you’ll put your bags inside weatherproof containers. A common option is the heavy gauge PVC, thanks to its resistance to water. Having done this, you’ll have to choose your burial sites, dig the holes, bury your bags & blend the earth back into place.
The amount of forethought that you need to have before the last steps can be surprising. You want to choose a site that is secure. You don’t want your money to be accidentally revealed, and you want to be able to reach your stashes at any time.
Set up a Decoy Safe
As it turns out, you may have some use for conventional home safes after all, but not how you’ve always done. One of the surest ways to hide an item is to convince the person searching for it that they have found it, although they have found something significantly insignificant to the actual item being searched for.
When it comes to your cash, the best way to do this is through a decoy safe, which is exactly how it sounds. Your decoy safe is an actual safe —like every other safe— that contains valuables which will convince a thief that he has acquired his target if he can access it. In reality, though, this safe will contain very little of your money.
The logic here involves sacrificing little for large.
If you would rather not, you can use fake wads, fake jewelry, fake gold coins, or similar items to give some credence to the decoy safe. Remember, the decoy safe is an actual safe to the criminal — prove him right.
Book Safe
The book safe is not exactly what you think. It isn’t the act of hiding money in your favorite survival books or dictionaries. Instead, it is a system of concealing valuables in small amounts in plain sight within an ordinary home or office setting.
This is done by removing the interior of pages in a book to form a compartment in which you can hide stuff. Such books are hollowed-out. The best books for a safe are ones with plenty of pages, say encyclopedias & directories.
This book looks very normal at a casual glance as it sits on your shelf, particularly if you put it among other books. If this book isn’t opened, no one realizes what’s inside. And except if there’s a person who knows your entire plans, I don’t see how a thief would pick the actual book you kept your cash in out of the tens or hundreds sitting on your table or library shelves.
Do people even rob in libraries? I only know John Wick kills there.
A Fixture’s Inside
A typical house setting provides plenty of hiding spaces to keep things without outsiders knowing. They are best for saving some amounts of valuables, though, cash inclusive.
It is easy to use the spaces behind your electrical outlets, registers, vents, light fixture, plumbing supplies, or whatever utility gear is in the home.
An optional suggestion is to install a dummy fixture (that has no function), or at least not conspicuously functional. The only job of this fixture would be to hide valuables, and it has to be so ordinary that no one pays a second thought to it when they see it.
This approach can be improvised as much as your imagination allows. The amount of cash to store & how many locations you’d like to keep cash across too are important considerations. It could be in light switches, beneath your shower or behind walk-ins talked sconces.
Remember not to forget where you hide your bundles.
Concluding the Ideal Locations to Hide Your Stash of Money
The ideal locations to hide your stash of money for when SHTF requires out-of-the-box thinking. Still, this doesn’t mean that they have to be spectacular. They have to be very ordinary. Deception is best achieved through simplicity.