The ideal locations to keep your bug out bag can be difficult to figure out. Yet, your bag must be properly kept, as you’ve invested so much time, money & effort in them. There’s the time spent researching the items to put inside, the money spent on the purchasing & the effort dispensed on trying out these gear to see if they fit. So many resources.
So, now, I ask again: where should you keep your bug out bag? A simple question, but what’s the answer? Over my prepping experience, I’ve realized that there are several locations to keep a bug out bag, from the trunk of the car to the back of the closet to the attic. So many places that I also found out could be so wrong.
It’s surely a matter of choice, isn’t it? So, you should have at least this decision to yourself without any blogger trying to influence you, but…
Have These in Mind
Considering that a lot of time & effort (and money) has been spent on your bug out bag, you want to keep it well protected. These are necessary considerations when picking the appropriate location to store your bug out bag.
- Temperature: The ideal location must have a moderate temperature. Avoid areas with extreme cold or heat, as this could reduce the lifespan of essentials & gear.
- Moisture: Areas with the risk of flooding or excessive moisture are a no-no. Water can outrightly damage your gear while humid locations foster the growth of bacteria, mildew & mold.
- Sticky Fingers: You must avoid places that expose your bag & leave it exposed to all hands, whether they pry or not. Keep your bag from sticky-fingered people. If you’re keeping your bag in your vehicle, at least hide it beneath the seat or disguise with a blanket, so onlookers are not easily interested.
- Ease of access when it matters is equally necessary to consider.
2 Ideal Locations to Keep Your Bug Out Bag
Taking a cue from the above factors to keep in mind as you select a location for your bug out bag, here are two great places to store your bag.
Along Escape Route
When it’s time to escape, I believe that the last thing you want is to scramble around as you dig through stuff to find your bug out bag. Your bag needs to be easily accessible whenever you need to, which may be in a moment’s notice. At home, your bag should be planted just by your escape route. You can hang the bag in a hallway closet along with the outside door. Remember to keep your bag concealed, though; keeping it along your escape route does not mean it is available to everyone.
On You
If you want to be prepared to go at any time, your best option is to keep your bag on at all times. I’d suggest a 24/7 presence in your vehicle so you can easily dash when you should, but not everyone has one. If you have one, though, do keep your bag in it. While it can be tiring to have your bag on you always, doing so will give you constant access to your supplies.
Concluding the Ideal Locations to Keep Your Bug Out Bag
Storing your bug out bag has to be carefully done. You’ve put too much in it just to throw things away. Let’s hear from you: what are your ideal locations to keep your bug out bag?