There will be few important professions in a post-SHTF world; which will you be an expert in?
2020 was undeniably bad for many folks, but it also marked a historical point in prepping. The year helped prove that preppers are just people trying to be safe in case of any catastrophe. We are no longer eccentric or crazy people. Preppers have been justified.
That’s that. I believe, by now, everyone should be looking to become self-reliant, whether in today’s world or a post-SHTF world.
5 Important Professions in a Post-SHTF World
If the world is to stop working tomorrow & civilization is eradicated, the so-often applauded “modern man” will have the worst chances of surviving, except if he can speak like Hitler to trick others. Only people with the skills & abilities to rebuild existence will be valued then. Well, why are we looking at this?
We are preppers; such a world can be ours. Such a world can be anyone else’s if they prepare.
Below, we look at five professionals that will be essential to survival when the chips are down. If you’re familiar with the aftermaths of hurricane Matthew or Harvey, then you may already have an idea of the experts we’re discussing below.
Healthcare Professionals
2020 did show everyone the extreme importance of medical professionals, isn’t it? Doctors, nurses, matrons & every other healthcare worker became real-life superheroes; I think Marvel should do a movie on them. The importance of having sufficient medical personnel in case of a disaster was underlined, especially in Italy.
Before the pandemic, Italy was about 2–3 in the ranks of the best healthcare system, yet we can vividly remember how many deaths were recorded. Who has forgotten about our beloved America too? The memories still hurt too deep for many to think about.
The bottom line is unchanging: doctors & nurses are very pivotal to society, especially when there’s a catastrophe.
Carpentry or Masonry
In the wake of a disaster, expect your properties to be damaged, whether completely or to a terrible extent. So, it’s either that they will require an overall rebuilding or a partial rebuild. Now, know that there’s hardly a worse situation than not having shelter when disaster strikes. You already know that someone has to pick up the pieces of your home & reassemble everything if your home is destroyed.
So, why don’t you become that person? And I’m not asking that you enlist as a carpenter without training. A good carpenter is knowledgeable in architecture, physics & engineering.
On the other hand, a mason is in charge of rebuilding good walls & foundations. A stonemason can make cement as was done in the olden days, which I doubt ordinary people can. You should learn this profession or carpentry, as both will surely be in high demand in destroyed communities & isolated areas.
Metal works & constructions require expert skills which cannot be acquired without efforts, and for a good reason. An expert blacksmith will solve every problem with metal. He will hammer a knife, spear & other tools, as well as make bullets for your guns. Besides, he can make all types of tools and fix nearly every metal object.
Look at all the uses of a blacksmith even today and relate things to a world where nothing is functional. Don’t you think that blacksmithing would make a very critical skill to have then? The skill is already becoming a widely accepted hobby, thanks to DIY projects on TVs that show how to make tools like knives & cutlasses.
Engineering & Mechanicals
Carpenters & blacksmiths can fix or build primitive objects, but there will be projects essential to survival which they can’t handle due to the depth of scientific knowledge needed for such processes. This is where engineers & mechanics become important.
For example, projects like biogas generator building or windmill or solar panel installation for the community can only be handled by expert engineers. A layman may attempt to do so using a few YouTube videos & some surface knowledge, but believe it when I say it takes a lot more than that.
As for mechanics, I doubt that the average man can convert a diesel-fueled engine to become biofuel powered. The ability to use several tools to improvise mechanical devices takes a lot of knowledge & continuous practice to gain.
Farming or Homesteading
When it comes to short-term survival, anyone can set up shelter & source for items necessary to survive. But as time passes, sustenance becomes an issue because it is only a matter of time before scarcity pops up. Remember that the world was once cannibalistic & it will only take a push to get a man back to his dangerous beginnings. Hunger can be the most tempting thing ever. You surely saw the fights for toilet papers and the hijacking of vehicles conveying basic supplies when the riots started, didn’t you?
What do you suppose will happen when hunger kicks in?
The skills of a farmer are essential in a post-SHTF world. This is because a good farmer would know how to produce crops, even under poor circumstances. This is a person who has been working for years with the soil, weather patterns & crop cycles, so their mastery of food production should not surprise you.
Likewise, a homesteader will be the best person to organize & multiply a sustainable livestock source, plus they already know how to maximize an animal to gain self-sufficiency. Modern farming will be non-existent when disaster strikes, and then only traditional farming methods will keep us alive. Without access to a tractor, advanced fertilizers & special seeds, do you think many people will be able to keep a decent size garden? No, my dear.
Concluding The Important Professions in a Post-SHTF World
There will be other important professions in a post-SHTF world, but the five above are essential. If you’re able to acquire up to 2 of the skills above, you’ll have leverage in a world where everyone else doesn’t. Enroll for online courses to learn these skills as soon as you can and put in your time to practice when available. Remember, preparation to survive is what makes you a prepper.