Can I get a quick answer from you: is your bug out bag ready for SHTF scenarios? If I asked 100 people this, I’m assuming the answers I’d get most include “I don’t know,” “I guess so,” and “I hope so.” Sounds funny, but this shouldn’t be.
A bug out bag is a piece of gear that nearly all preppers have. Typically, it is a backpack containing all essentials you expect to be sufficient for a while. The common problem with this gear is that hardly anyone tests theirs to be sure they are good to go before poop hits the fan. I may be wrong, but am I?
I’ve seen people dumping their bug out bags in their basements with brand new, still packaged supplies without any pre-testing. This leaves room for surprises when it’s time to use these bags — and this is usually in emergencies.
Considerations Involved in Pre-testing Your Bug Out Bag
There are three basic things to have in mind with a bug out bag.
While I understand that we have varying financial abilities & that it is preferable to have any kind of bag for bugging out instead of nothing, it is easy to see that some bags will not do well as a bug out bag. Let’s say you use a plastic shopping bag for packing your supplies. Will you expect dependability from it?
Your bug out bag has to have these features:
- Made with high-grade materials;
- Possess some degree of waterproofing;
- Adjustable chest, waist & shoulder straps for comfort.
I have heard questions on the ideal weight of a bug out bag more times than you would believe, and it’s funny that I have no definite answer yet. The truth happens to be, the weight of your bag is your decision. You just have to ensure that you can safely & conveniently carry it when it contains all critical supplies.
There are varying opinions on the period a bug out bag should serve you, but the ideal time is for 3-7 days. You should just pack enough weight that you can comfortably carry for this duration.
If you still can’t figure out a weight, I’m suggesting something between 20-30lbs for the average man. Ensure not to over-pack your bag because there’s no use in a bag that you can’t carry when disaster strikes.
Packed Gear
It is most ironic that we are discussing this now, and it may sound funny to you. Believe me when I say I’ve met people who had not the slightest idea of the gear in their bug out bags. All these people did was stockpile supplies in these bags & put them away until they are needed. Think about it, what’s the essence of gear that you’ve never practiced before in dangerous real-life situations?
Testing Your Bug Out Bag Before SHTF
It is easy to figure out if your bug out bag is ready to go. The things to do include throwing in & out of a vehicle to become familiar with the process; taking it for walks to become comfortable with the weight; carrying the bag along on trips to practice the use of gear in it.
Final Answer — So, Is Your Bug Out Bag Ready for SHTF Scenarios?
To conclude, answering the question “is your bug out bag ready for SHTF scenarios” before things go south is a critical requirement. Your bug out bag can be a lifesaver, so it’s only logical that you’re fully familiar with it.