In this article, we’ll look at the items to include in your tsunami survival kit. This is necessary, considering that everyone knows (I’m assuming) that tsunamis can be very devastating when they happen, despite the fact that they are predicted to occur only twice a year worldwide.
In ordinary circumstances, the damages & death caused by a tsunami are limited to the locality where it happens, but not always. A powerful tsunami has the debilitating ability to journey over hundreds of miles, destroying everything it finds in its way as it roars on.
In 2004, a 9.1 magnitude earthquake hit the Indian Ocean, and this resulted in a tsunami that led to over 200 000 deaths & over $15 000 000 000 costs of damage.
Tsunami warnings can be passed, and they may also happen suddenly, depending on where it happens & how far you are to it. This implies that you may have enough time to prepare & avoid catastrophic damages, or you may NOT. A tsunami can be extremely destructive, and prepping ahead of it is a favor you do for yourself and no one else (except your family).
9 Items to Include in Your Tsunami Survival Kit
When preparing for a Tsunami, you’d better stay stockpiled because you don’t know how long it will take or where it may move to. As you hide in your underground tsunami shelter, here are 15 essential items you want to be sure you don’t run out of:
The ideal amount of water to keep during a tsunami is at least 1 gallon for each person every day for a week. That is, you want to have 21 gallons for three people in a week, although four or even five can make do with 21 gallons too, when the chips are down & are too heavy to pick up. Before the tsunami, your gallons of water should be stored out of the overreaching pathways of the greedy floodwaters. Also, you should have some methods for boiling, filtering & purifying your water.
Non-perishable Foods
The possibility of losing power during a tsunami is very high, so you want to be prepared for it. Do not depend on normal cooking procedures or refrigerated meals. Stockpile a lot of canned goods, as they are edible right out of their containers. Dehydrated freeze-dried foods are also advisable since they require very little preparation.
Manual Can Opener
I have just mentioned that canned goods will be an important part of your pantry and have also hinted to you on the possibility of losing electricity. Keeping a manual can opener in your tsunami survival kit is apparently important. But if you fail or forget to, have no worries. There are various alternatives to can openers, such as using a knife, rock & several other objects.
Disposable Cookware & Utensils
Washing your dishes will & should hardly be a priority in the event of a tsunami. Not when there’s a roving tsunami with an unascertainable departure date. You want to keep your supplies for as long as you can & clean water is one of your most important ones. So, to save invaluable resources, buy a lot of disposable plates, utensils & cookware. These are very affordable. You could also get real cookware while the utensils & plates are disposable.
A Multi-purpose Tool, Survival Knife & Pocket Knife
There are several uses of a multi-tool, pocket knife & survival knife, and it is, therefore, advisable to have them on you or in your bag at all times. There’s no telling when you may run into any difficulty & trust these tools to come through then. A survival knife must never be disregarded in an emergency kit.
First-aid Supplies
In every SHTF scenario, you want to have plenty of first-aid supplies. You don’t want to talk sick or suffer an injury in the absence of professional health care workers and without first-aid supplies. Treat injuries or symptoms of illnesses as soon as they arrive to make sure the treatment is effective. First-aid supplies to bulk up include gauze, clotting agents, tapes, sterile pads, clean wipes, tweezers, antibiotics, alcohol pads, scissors, tourniquets, typical medications for fevers, pain relief & anti-inflammatory conditions, unique prescribed medications, splints, sanitizers, gloves & many more.
Cordage has over 100 uses; you have to believe. It is as beneficial to you as much as you know how to use it. Strong, small-diameter cordage, say Paracord or Kevlar, will do you a lot of good. It would also do you well to include ropes with thicker diameters and they can be knotted for rescue lines & other purposes.
Signaling Devices
Things don’t always go according to plan, so never rule out the possibility of missing your way when trying to get to safety. Plus, even if things go accordingly, you may need help with several things. Think of it: in such a flooded environment, don’t you think that it is easy to become stranded on building tips or within structures?
In such scenarios, help arriving on time can be the only thing that’ll save these people, and this may not be possible without having the means to get people to notice you. Keep some signaling gadgets in your tsunami survival kit. Some devices to store are flares, signal mirrors & bright flags.
Communication Devices
Communication towers for smartphones will become non-functional in times of a tsunami. Alternative methods of communication are, therefore, compulsory. Signaling devices are some of the communication gadgets to carry, but the more specific ones include two-way radios, HAM radios & satellite phones.
Concluding the Items to Include in Your Tsunami Survival Kit
Apparently, tsunamis are catastrophic and everything destructive. The devastating powers of this disaster are not to be underestimated. Thankfully, preppers can minimize damage by preparing ahead. Stockpile now selecting all items to include in your tsunami survival kit mentioned above to have a good chance of survival. Other items to keep in your kit are footwear, PPE, life preservers, emergency fires, flashlight & portable power.