Maintaining your bug-out vehicle is crucial to your getaway when that brown stuff hits the fan. A vehicle that’s been abandoned for years will not get you to safety when it matters. Engines are just like wives: they love to be doted on. Failure to do this over a long while will lead to disgruntled symptoms and, eventually, a breakdown. You definitely want to avoid that. When the sky comes crashing on your city, you don’t want to be the fella whose car let down.
6 Instructions For Maintaining Your Bug-out Vehicle
Check Out Oil, Coolant & Other Fluids Level Regularly
To be safe while at this, your engine must be cool, meaning that it isn’t hot from any recent use. Engine burns can be extreme; take note. To start, remove the dipstick from the oil holder and wipe it clean using a rag. Put the stick in and remove it again. The level of oil stain on the stick indicates the level of oil left inside. As per your system, you should perform a radiator flush to confirm its state. However, activities involving temperature can be high-risk, so it may be ideal to hire a professional to conduct the test if you don’t know how to. Lastly, confirm the levels of transmission & power steering fluids as well.
Air Filter Inspection
Your air filters have to be updated every year or every 12000 miles traveled (quite a long distance to cover except you’re a migrating gazelle). This is a typical replacement that will save money later on. To inspect the filter, remove the filter casing and take note of the air filter inside. After this, take out the dirt from the filter using compressed air — but only if it isn’t too dirty. Else, the ideal move is to get a new one ASAP, while ensuring that what you buy is what you need.
Take Note of Your Tires
Tires are crucial in determining the performance of your car. Failure to keep them in good shape can be disastrous, so regular inspection of tires saves cash and time since you’re proactive. Checking & regulating air levels should be easy for you to do, and if you can’t, get a pro. It is pertinent to note the importance of the extra (5th) tire; do not ditch it.
For your tires to last longer, get them rotated & balanced, as this assures you of convenient and safe driving. To avoid mishaps caused by loss of control, rotate & balance your tires after every 6000–8000 miles driven. Avoid causative factors like incorrect alignment & worn out bars.
Regardless of your care, though, remember that no item serves forever, so be prepared to change your tires someday. An easy, efficient way to find this out is to perform the penny test, which involves putting a penny inside the tire’s groove. If you can see a large part of Lincoln’s head on the penny when you do this, it means that the thread depth of the tires is less than 2/32”, and that’s a risky scenario.
Keep The Lights On
Not suggesting that your lights are on throughout the day, of course. What this says is that you make sure all lights are functional and will work immediately when necessary. Fortunately, changing your headlights is an easy task of just 15 minutes. If you don’t know how to, you can see tutorials or learn from an auto mechanic. Note that dirt particles & hand’s oils weaken the surface of your bulb, and it may be damaged because of extreme heating. Thus, do not touch the light surface while at it. Also, be able to recognize everything meant in the keyboard lights. Knowing the light that indicates brake, ABS, or electronic failure on time can be a lifesaver.
Fuel Filter Care & Oil Moderation
Your fuel filter is the first & one of the highly affordable lines of protection in your car. The system can be pretty technical, so only attempt the process if you’re capable. Don’t make any mistakes with this part. Any wrong configuration in the fuel system pressure can lead to extreme damages. If you’re unsure of your ability to attend to this system, the suggestion is that you get your vehicle to expert at least once yearly.
Also, regular (preferably everyday) regulation of your fuel usage will help tell if the fuel optimization system is having a problem. The ideal fuel to use for your vehicle remains the octane recommendation.
Nice & Shine!
If the vehicle’s condition is cared for, then setting it up nicely is a top priority. Washing & using care products on your vehicle are not careless expenses; that gives your car a facial liftoff. A vehicle that’s recently waxed will do fine against the sun, should you drive under the sun, especially if it has a car cover over it.
A neat interior of your car makes driving highly comfortable. Clean the car quickly whenever you use it to avoid the accumulation of dirt. Apply protection on belt products, such as rubber, plastic, and leather parts at least once a month. Note that it is not necessary to clean the exterior engine very often.
Conclusion on Maintaining Your Bug-out Vehicle
By keeping your car in excellent form, you’re not only ensuring that you don’t get stranded anywhere in the middle of the night. But you’re also seeing to the safety of several road users who could be affected should your car, unfortunately, go haywire on the asphalt. Remember that times of crises are highly volatile to motorists. All it takes to spark an unending, contagious flame of accidents is a minor vehicle failure.
Apart from the tips above, keep your spark plugs in good condition, same as the cooking system & inspect your serpentine belt and wipers. Indeed, without doubts, maintaining your bug-out vehicle is important.