Selecting the following must-have items for hunting was done carefully. This is because hunting, as we know it, is a prestigious practice passed down from our forefathers. Thus, every hunter tends to have his unique hunting methodology, particularly if he is from an original hunting family. And as you know, varying methodologies require varying items on a trip.
6 Must-have Items For Hunting
However, regardless of the differences suggested in the above paragraph, there are lines that cross among all hunters, rules which they must obey and practices which they have to follow. It is from this intersection that I have selected six must-have items (or tools) to carry along on a hunting expedition. And, no, I’m not mentioning rifles or sturdy boots— those are a standby for every hunter.
“off, off we go into the Badlands… it’s time to hunt”
Regardless of your hunting creed, I bet my game that you agree to this. A bright, far-reaching, flashlight is an excellent tool to go hunting with. You sure know the typical uses of a flashlight — pretty great for making a way at dusk, in the dead of night, or the darkest hour before the dawn. But save for a real good hunter, I doubt you’d know that a blue filter on your flashlight helps to identify and track blood quicker and easier than you ordinarily would.
Baiting or tracking a prey can be exciting— and sometimes, we may get so absorbed that we lose track of time until darkness enshrouds us. So, what next then? You know it. Sometimes, it may not be nightfall. You may find yourself following a track into a cacophony of trees, which is always dark regardless of the hour. And if you find the dusk meeting you there, say hi to ink-black darkness. Only a flashlight would provide some solace.
Sturdy Knife
A sturdy knife should be your ever-present companion while hunting. It is not only the first call of action if you have to process your game in the wild, but it is also useful at camp, blind, or stands. Really, to put it straight: it doesn’t matter how long you’re staying in the wild or what game you’re tracking, you’re making a mistake if you don’t carry a knife.
Your knife is also valuable during emergencies. Should SHTF, it is one of the chief materials to make fire from tinder. Also, a good, sturdy knife will help you to forge exact shapes in all material types when creating a shelter.
Carrying a pliers-like multi-purpose tool is invaluable when hunting. A good multi-tool has generous benefits, ranging from tuning bolts and screws on weapons to plucking or sniping thorns, splinters, or other restricting plants. If there’s any cutting function your knife cannot perform, your multi-tool is the agent to call on. So, when buying a multi-tool, make a point of selecting one with a blade usable as a backup.
A multi-tool can also be the difference between making a kill and not. Having the appropriate tool or fastener handy will ensure you’re hardly stranded when in for a kill.
Whether a guyout cord, accessory cord, or paracord, select whichever you think will suit your expedition the most. Basically, the use of cordage is to hoist game or gear, so keep in mind to choose the one you find appropriate for the kill or equipment you expect to carry. A small roll of cordage, also called hank, will take literally no space in your pockets or backpack. Yet, it helps to hoist or secure your hard-earned kill for transporting or processing.
It is a great improvisational tool, as well. It can help to fix a camp seat or rifle rest, serve as wind indicators, hidden trail markers, and many more afield. Should; unfortunately, you break a joint or fracture a bone, cordage can pass for a sling or hold the splint in position.
Folding Saw
Except your hunting destination is a site without any tree, a folding saw is handy in several afield activities, including clearing limbs for a stand when necessary, clearing a shooting lane, or erecting a sled or shelter for resting or after hunting.
You may be more familiar with an ax or hatchet, but a folding store is faster, safer, weighs a lot less and thus easier to carry than both.
Apart from the functions mentioned already, the usefulness of a folding saw in creating shelter or gathering firewood is evident. If kept sharp, your folding saw cuts through all limbs, even sturdy ones, with impressive ease and, therefore, requires less energy and time than it takes traditional chopping tools to complete a task.
You can say humans are optically or visually predisposed, meaning that we rely heavily on our sight and are more inclined towards things we see. This is even more prevalent in a hunt. Animals are able to conceal themselves better because they rely well on both their senses of smell and sight and can thus keep themselves hidden. To beat them, the hunter needs to increase the range and resolution of his vision as well as pierce through concealments, all of which is possible with a good pair of handheld, neck-hung optics.
Be it a compact monocular or pair of binoculars, either can expertly scout, peep and trace game. And in case you are wondering, yes, your gun’s rifle scope could do the same, but it isn’t the most efficient (except when you’re about to pull the trigger) and can be very heavy when held forward for some time.
If you have to dash against danger, your binos are great at locating escape routes or finding help, so you don’t get to burn calories only to end up at a dead end. When standing at a vantage point, your pair of binoculars will always identify an interest point or way out typically invisible to your naked eye.
Concluding The Must-have Items For Hunting
There are several other must-have items for hunting, for example, tarp, a collapsible hiking pole, gloves, compass, and poncho, all of which are extremely important for a successful hunting trip. Without these gear, you are likely to end up with a rifle, wasted rounds, and no game when you go hunting.