There are plenty of good reasons to have a survival cache, so there is no debate on having it or not. But first…
What is a Survival Cache?
A survival cache is a pile of supplies or SHTF resources cached (hidden) away in a secure location — that is, where only specific people can access & the supplies are safe. The priority when caching away your stockpile is that it is properly hidden.
The reason for this is obvious: you may not have the chance or time to move your stockpile out of your house in an emergency. But with your stockpile safely stashed away somewhere, you do not have to worry about the imminent tornado or hurricane. All you need do is pick the lightest necessary items & evacuate quickly to the location of your cache.
4 Reasons to Have a Survival Cache
It is not possible to carry adequate supplies that will last for more than three days in your getaway bag even under normal circumstances, much more when there’s a catastrophe at hand. And the thing is, even these supplies for three days weigh heavily enough.
Having a survival cache is your best shot at evacuating home without any weight & yet having a convenient time out there. In fact, you can just decide to set up camp at the location of your cache & live there until the disaster subsides & normalcy returns.
Here are some reasons to see why having that survival cache is helpful and common logic for a prepper.
- Having a survival cache enables you to spread the supplies necessary for survival instead of having everything in a single location. You can have up to 4 survival caches in various locations so that you’ll have something to fall back on if one of the locations is compromised.
- Having a supply cache strengthens your bug-out plan. Think about it. With a survival cache in place, you don’t have to carry additional weight, so you and more friends & family members can successfully evacuate & you don’t have to bother about packing foods for them.
- You will be able to move faster since you’re traveling lighter. There will be enough freedom to do other things, which could be assisting a wounded person, carrying an extra weapon, or allowing you to have enough space in the vehicle.
- You do not have to be scared of being attacked by hungry people or desperate gangs when SHTF. With your foods safely stacked away & your weapons too (except you choose to carry a few), you don’t have any reason to be afraid. Law enforcement officers who may come to seize firearms definitely won’t fund yours.
Concluding The Reasons to Have a Survival Cache
It is easy to see that there are a lot of sensible reasons to have a survival cache. However, the most pertinent remains the safety & security of your resources & supplies. In subsequent articles, we’ll look at the proper ways to cache away your foods, drinks, weapons & gear. Before then, let’s hear from you: what do you think of survival caching?