Each day, more and more citizens are learning just how fragile our civilization is becoming. Are you one of them? If so, there is no need to panic. Even though a disaster or difficult situation could happen at any moment, there is always time to prepare.
The critical factor to remember is not to try to do it all at once. Trying to do it all a once will only lead to you, causing yourself to become very overwhelmed, very fast. Instead, take a few moments each day to work on your plans and preparations. To help you get started, here are seven survival tips for preppers.
Become Debt Free
Experts indicate that all signs point to a disaster, most likely occurring in the coming years, and it will be a financial crisis. If the economy were to suddenly go south, as it did during the Great Depression, being under a mountain of debt will leave you in a somewhat difficult position.
Develop An Emergency Fund
Before you achieve getting out of debt, save up $1000. Then, when you are finally out of debt, save at least three months of additional monthly income. This process may take years, so it is best to get started right away.
Build A Bug Out Bag
When it all hits the fan, it may be necessary for you to leave where you currently reside. For this reason, you should have a bug out bag waiting at the ready. You will then be able to pick the bag up and run at any time needed.
Stock Up On Water
No matter who you are, no one can go more than three days without water. For this reason, one of your top priorities is to make sure that you have plenty of water on hand and remember to keep it well-stocked.
Start A Garden
No one knows how long the effects of any disaster will linger. As such, there is a good chance that the impact will well outlast your food storage. For this reason, it is worth your while to learn how to garden. Even if you do not have space for a large garden, anything that you can grow will be useful in hard times.
Collect Important Documentation
Make sure to make copies of all of your essential documents. House them in water-proof freezer bags and store them with your emergency supply kits. These documents should include your birth certificate, your driver’s license, your deed to your home, insurance policies, social security cards, and vehicle titles, to name a few.
Develop An Evacuation Route
When disaster strikes, you may very well have no choice but to evacuate your home. Have a set plan in place with your loved ones in case you become separated where you can meet back up. Make sure to purchase a map ahead of time and highlight the least likely crowded routes to safety.
Spending a few minutes each day and getting everything lined out will prove to have you better prepared for disaster strikes.
John Wick
Thanks for the post these are all great points. Many people wait to long to come up with a plan by the time they need it they don’t have it. It’s much easier to plan ahead. I have learned that living in Florida with hurricane preparedness.