In today’s article, we’ll check out the states with the highest risks of a nuclear strike. Of course, the reason for this is apparent. Knowing these states now will give you more than enough time to hurry out of them before a strike is fired whenever poop hits the fan.
I’m not compiling this list on assumptions. I’ve based my selections on history, having found out that some states are at a worse risk of an attack in times of warfare. The enemy always has one goal: destroying as many people as they can with their attacks.
Fortunately, every nation has always known that messing with the United States is forbidden, but for how long will this fear continue? The recurring cases of tumors among ourselves may be opening up chances of an attack — and we wouldn’t know until it is too late. The purpose of this list is to ensure you never fall victim come what may.
Essential Considerations When Selecting These Highest Risks States
Now, you don’t think I just shortlisted some states without prior research, do you? This part of the article highlights four factors that you need to note to understand the presence of any state in this list.
Population Density
Population density is always the first factor to consider whenever you’re figuring out the worst states to be in during a catastrophe — especially warfare.
Naturally, states with high populations are more targeted by enemies because the aim is to kill as many as possible with a single attack. Every nation understands that it wouldn’t stand many chances against America & so it is only logical that the target is taken at where extreme damage can be done. Living in states like California or New York, therefore, subjects you to exceptional levels of risk.
Low population states like Maine or Montana will hardly have significant risks of a nuclear attack. They are low-key & rarely the first-choice target of any enemy, as it may be a mere waste of resources.
Presence of Military Bases
If you know anything about warfare, you should be aware that a military base in a state increases the risk of an attack on the state. This may appear ironic since military bases are meant to scare off attacks. Let me explain.
Military bases offer the main forms of protection from attacks, whether aerial or on ground. If the enemy can neutralize or destroy our military bases, the country becomes very vulnerable to both & air invasions.
With this in mind, it is surprising that some of America’s missile protection systems are not situated close to these bases. It makes a lot of sense that places like this are bathed in missile strikes should push comes to extreme shove.
You shouldn’t be in states with military bases in times of war if you have nothing doing there.
Important Officials
The presence of important public officials in a state can make it very attractive to enemy airstrikes. The death of 100 soldiers in combat is not as notable as the murder of a significant politician. The whole world knows this. Considering this, Washington, DC is a state you don’t want to find yourself in when SHTF.
If the president of the country, Governor of the state, or senators are taken out, it will inevitably lead to great distress & turmoil. This makes states like New York, Washington, DC, Florida, & California air missiles hotspots when SHTF.
The Presence of Fuel & Power
Nearly every system in the United States operated on fuel & power. This includes our transportation systems, communication networks & every other thing. If these resources were taken out through an airstrike, you could be sure that the country will grind to a halt.
This attack is achievable through an EMP strike too — which is loosely explained as a nuclear bomb set off in the sky to disable & fry every electronic device like cell phones, modern vehicles, computers & everything else. I think Texas has the highest risk of an attack in this aspect.
There is no doubt that we are overly reliant on electrical luxuries. Taking these from us will bring us to our knees. This would explain why a lot of us are becoming more interested in off-grid homesteading.
6 States With the Highest Risks of a Nuclear Strike
Washington, DC
Washington DC houses the President’s Villa & the White House. The reason it is sitting first in this list is therefore understandable.
Such important dignitaries make this state very attractive to the enemies — although I think the White House has a capable bunker system to shield the president. What you should note is that you’re not the President or the Governor. You are not hunkering down in the same bunker with these people.
New York
New York was always going to be on this list. This is because the state has a very high population density & boasts a lot of military bases. This is one of the most important places in the world, as it houses the One World Trade Center & a lot of other important buildings.
This is a state that’s already fallen victim to terrorism (the 9/11 attacks). Should an airstrike be deployed at the state once more, escaping can be very difficult.
Throw in the fact that NY is a popular state among state officials & you see why it is certainly not a place to be when SHTF.
California has the highest population density in the whole of America, housing over 37 million residences. Therefore, it is attractive to terrorists & other enemies in times of war.
To its credit, though, Cali has many military bases that can take down air missiles. The implication is that America can protect this state, but there’s always the fear of casualty. Plus, what if the defense systems fail?
Concluding the States With the Highest Risks of a Nuclear Strike
Nuclear strikes are very destructive. A single airstrike is enough to take down some states (like Hawaii), while other states can be catastrophically destroyed. Other states with the highest risks of a nuclear strike include Virginia (due to its compression of military bases — a single strike could wipe them all out); Florida (due to the caliber of buildings that it contains); & Nevada (which has Area 51 — a place to test secret military discoveries).