The Kel-Tec PMR-30 may very well be the deadliest handgun on the planet today. That may be due to its rarity amongst its fellow weapons, in that the pistol is capable of holding over seventeen rounds—thirty rounds to be specific.
This increased amount of ammo rounds is possible through engineering that also reduces the handgun to a somewhat lightweight weapon. This, in turn, makes it attractive to casual shooters as well as those who are looking for a pistol for home defense.
When it comes to the manufacturing of handguns of high-capacity, the tradition has been somewhat of a tricky proposition. One such example would be the Luger P08 of World War I. With its drum that can accommodate thirty-two rounds, it was built with enough firepower to effectively clear trenches of the enemy.
However, for its power, the Luger drum magazine size made it both unwieldy and heavy, and as such, shortly after the war, it was removed from German arsenals. It wasn’t until decades later that the next significant advancement in deadly handguns hit the market. In the 1980s, the Glock 17 offered a massive magazine accommodating seventeen rounds of 9mm caliber.
With all this considered, it all comes down to the fact that the PMR-30, with its large ammo capacity, blows all the other competitors out of the water. This beauty offers a double-stack magazine that has the ability to accommodate up to thirty rounds of .22 WMR ammunition.
This is a full five times the number of rounds as a typical revolver can accommodate, and up to four times that of the M1911A1 handgun, and 70 percent more ammo than the Glock 17 can provide.
It is crucial to remember that with all great things comes a price. Even with its ability to hold five times as much ammo as an S&W 686 revolver, the .22 WMR ammo is far and away from the ability to incapacitate a target—not to the extent of a .357 Magnum.
Make no mistake, the guns are significantly different, and as such, there are pros and cons for owning each one.
The Specifics
The PMR-30 is a somewhat new offering on the market—with the added appeal of its sleek appearance and autoloading abilities. Introduced in 2011, it sports an overall length of 7.9 inches, with its steel 4140 barrel having a length of 4.3 inches. Unloaded, it offers has a weight of only fourteen ounces, due to the use of polymers in its construction. Just to give this all some perspective, a Glock 17 weighs in at twenty-two ounces when not loaded.
The PMR-30 has sights made of fiber-optics with rear high visibility orange dots and a yellow front dot. The manufacturer describes the trigger as being in the five-pound range, and one review of it stated that it was short but with a feel of a “mushy” reset. The PMR-30, unlike most American manufactured handguns, has the magazine release located in the heel, which helps it to serve as being ambidextrous.
Reliability and Easy Handling
This pistol is most often described as being very reliable, with one review offering that the handgun was able to go through close to 700 without once having a mishap. There was yet another review that stated that the recoil “isn’t a consideration.” As a rule, high-caliber handguns are known to generate much more recoil, which can prove challenging to hit a target when following up your shots. However, with a low-coil gun, you are presented with the ability to plant more shots, which opens up the possibility of more wound channels.
The PMR-30 is a perfect choice for many reasons. If the individual has a general fear, or aversion, to handguns, and does not like a lot of recoil, then the PMR-30 is the perfect pistol for these types for self-defense. With the flexible manner in which this pistol shoots, there would present less anxiety for those who are afraid of the possible recoil, which in turn would make the shooter more confident in their abilities—which are crucial during high-stress shooting situations.
Easy Carry
The PMR-30 is light enough to be easily packed and is a low recoil handgun with a large ammo capacity. This gives its shooter the extra confidence that their magazine will live through a long-term shoot out without having to take crucial time to reload. The PMR-30 is a very versatile handgun, as well as being able to fulfill numerous niches—from shooting for fun to providing reliable self-defense.
All in all, the Kel Tech PMR-30 is the perfect choice for both professional and recreational shooters. It is sleek and lightweight in desing and is capable of holding a larger than usual amount of ammo, resulting in less need to reload. The handgun appeals to shooters from all walks of life, as it is dependable in a shootout, has minimal recoil, and is well above par for those choosing for self-defense.
You could admittedly do worse than to choose a handgun other than the deadliest handgun on the planet. By making sure that you do your due diligence and research, you will agree that the PMR-30 is really the only logical choice.