The Ugly Truth About Gun Control
Gun Control Isn’t the Answer
So, the topic is something that is relevant and controversial in the most recent years. Most empathetic and respectful human beings would never wish harm on a friend or loved one by a ruthless and out of control individual. We all want to live in peace to never see the atrocities such as shooting up a school, church, movie theater, private home or anywhere. The ugly truth about gun control is that it will not stop any one person or group from assembling and making a scary decision to act out a massive shooting in any place anywhere in the world.
The fact is that there are drugs that are deemed illegal; However, it doesn’t stop the drugs from entering our country and getting into the hands of people to include children. The sad thing is that while many people rely on news channels and other media sources for their information, some outlets support propaganda and gun control. How can anyone believe that implementing gun control laws by stripping our rights to bear arms will protect us?
There are certain political parties and interests that would love nothing more than to ensure that individuals have zero rights to bear arms and submit to total government control. You need not watch the news or listen to the media selling propaganda. Looking at history will reveal more of the ugly truth about gun control.
Founding Fathers
Our second amendment rights say that Americans may bear arms. There is a reason our forefathers were concerned with this. Despite our constitution was around well before the days of Hitler, our founding fathers knew that having this as a part of American freedom would be vital.
Everyone knows who Hitler was. What was it that Hitler did aside from his disgusting acts against humankind? It is important to not only remember, however; It is important to study the events that led to the murders of the Jews and Hitler’s ultimate demise.
Remember Your History
“The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.” Adolph Hitler
Those words should strike fear into those of us who understand what it means to live in a free country. While those of us are fighting to maintain our freedoms like the men and women of our military and some politicians. They try to protect those rights through laws, we are battling in an essence ghosts who have convinced some people they have our best interests at heart when pushing for gun control.
The Nazi Party, Adolph Hitler, signed the gun control law in 1928 post World War I. It isn’t imperative to illustrate the rise of communism in that county post gun control laws and the attempts to exterminate a race of individuals.
It is imperative to pay attention to those who are shouting and pushing for gun control here in our own country and to be mindful of any skewed studies in comparisons that are may not be “apples to apples” comparison.
Facts Remain
Most fatalities where firearms were involved are in suicides. In fact, according to a study, homicides where firearms are used only account for approximately 30%. Gun control and legislation will not stop violence or suicides. Implementing strict gun control laws will just spring more illegal measures that individuals will take in getting them in the hands of anyone.
Not all individuals should be able to own or have access to firearms or any ways that would cause another harm, however, if the gun control efforts reach a point where well-intentioned individuals cannot have access then it may be a case of history repeating itself.
“The rate of suicide in general increased from 2016 to 2017, and the increase was actually greater for the non-firearm suicide rate than for the firearm suicide rate,” Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck states. “Suggesting that something that affects suicide but is unrelated to firearms is responsible for the recent suicide increase.”
Japan has the strictest gun control laws anywhere; However, their suicide rate is higher than anywhere else. Therefore, if we look at deaths by firearms in terms of violence, the statistics do not empirically prove that reducing gun ownership will reduce an overall death related incident.
Smoke in Mirrors
Not everything and everybody are what they seem, and it is time for Americans to quit watching reality television, sports and fighting amongst themselves and unite. The biggest play in the books is creating a diversion. We see a lot of diversion in the news.
It would seem here that the closer to the truth we come the bigger those diversions grow, and we are seeing it in recent times. There will always be problems and challenges, however, look beyond the smoke in mirrors and the ugly truth will reveal itself to those who seek to live in a free society devoid of oppression.
The last resort and play in the gun control handbook are to put acts, laws and governance of the right to bear arms. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.