Can you guess some of the things you’re not doing now that will hurt you when SHTF? Well, you may not need to. That’s what we are addressing today.
I’m sure you can find various sites with lists of gear & supplies to stockpile before a disaster strikes. And while the importance of these lists cannot be ignored, it must be mentioned that there are some left-out parts. It is never enough to stock things you’ll need when SHTF. It is necessary to incorporate them into your day-to-day living.
Here are things you’re not doing now that may come to bite you in the ass when things go south.
3 Things You’re Not Doing Now That Will Hurt You When SHTF
Failure to Make Solar Energy a Part of Your Daily Life
Making solar energy a part of your everyday life is affordable, easy & will leave you better equipped when SHTF. To begin with, you’ll become much more conscious of the sun & your battery levels. You’ll take more note of what works best for your solar system & what doesn’t. More importantly, you won’t face any difficulty when electrical power is lost in times of disaster & you need an alternative form of energy.
Not incorporating solar power in your life today will leave you less prepared when normal energy is lost. You may have issues keeping track of the sun & your battery levels if you don’t do so now. You may not even know if the kit you have is functional.
You’re Not Trying Out Your Emergency Cooking Method
I get that you have your cooking methods for when SHTF in place, but have you tested it to see how it works? You can use your cooking bugout kit to prepare meals only once a week & this may make a significant difference in your safety & comfort when SHTF. If you are not already familiar with the cooking plans in place for when things go wrong, it will take you a lot of expertise to use them under harsh conditions. Realize that seeing your world change in just a matter of hours or days is going to leave you very cranky. You do not want to compound things with an inability to cook meals conveniently.
You Don’t Bother to Include Prepper’s Meals in Your Everyday Diet
You should be aware of the foods in your pantry, what’s lacking & what isn’t. You have to learn how to make the type of meals you have too. Are they freeze-dried or dehydrated? The methods of preparing foods in an emergency are different from the usual methods you’re used to.
Plus, emergency foods taste different. I’d suggest that you eat them from time to time so you get familiar with it.
Concluding the Things You’re Not Doing Now That Will Hurt You When SHTF
There are a number of other things you’re not doing now that will hurt you when SHTF. Apart from the three above, other things you should start doing from now include regular breaks from your electronics for some time, buying more gear & embracing the suck. What do you think? Are you also guilty of the above mistakes?