At first, looking at the tips for quick-drying clothes can be amusing. I assume you’re thinking it’s meant for lazy folks or procrastinators who left their clothes too late before washing them.
If my assumption is correct, then your thoughts are wrong.
It is a normal thing for the rains to come pouring on the day you choose to go camping, hiking, or trekking. Remember that the weather is hard to predict in the great outdoors & we, therefore, can’t tell when it may rain cat and dog. Yet, this doesn’t mean that you pack every gear necessary for staying warm in case of rain.
You’ll only be heaping too much heavy load on yourself. Since this is never advisable, you need to accept the possibility of getting soaked on some days.
It’s normal and won’t hurt you in the least, unless your cold feet & wet clothes are left unattended to after a lot of time. Possibilities here include a weakened immune system & cold-induced diseases.
To avoid these, let’s see the solutions for drying your wet clothes very quickly.
9 Common tops for Quick-drying Clothes
If your clothes become wet during your time on the trail, the weather has to be considered. The main considerations when you have to dry your clothes are:
Low air pressure; low humidity; moderate temperatures & large cloth surface.
Should these four conditions be met, your clothes won’t take any time getting dried.
- The first tip is to take advantage of the weather. Warm, sunny conditions present you with that perfect opportunity to dry your wet clothes. I get that there’s no line to spread clothes on while you wait, so you should improvise with your backpack. Spread the bag on the ground in a ventilated place & place your clothes on — your clothes shouldn’t take more than an hour to dry.
- In cold weather, there’s still a way to dry your clothes too. Cold temps also foster the evaporation of moisture, except if it’s fallen below zero degrees. Your clothes will dry although taking longer than they usually do. In cases of wind, your clothes are likelier to dry faster.
- Another tip for drying your clothes, particularly small-sized like mittens & socks, is to put them very close to your body or, say, your sleeping bag. Definitely, this will be inconvenient, but you can manage it if the clothes are dripping wet. If they are, you should squeeze them properly & carry about on your body.
- You can place them in your sleeping bag before sleeping. The time spent in the bag will be enough to draw out the moisture in the cloth — thanks to your body heat & the dry air inside the bag. However, avoid putting a lot of wet clothes in your sleeping bag; the moisture may make its way to the cloth you’re putting on, and that’ll surely worsen your cold.
- You can also dry your clothes close to a campfire. Or heat up another cloth & then wrap your wet clothes in it. You may even place your clothes over the fire, but I think the smell from the fire will be unpleasant to most people.
Concluding the Tips for Quick-drying Clothes
Different situations require varying solutions. There’s no telling when you’d have to get the moisture of your clothes as soon as you can. Whenever you do, though, we can both count on you utilizing the above tips for quick-drying clothes. Let’s hear from you: have you had to dry clothes in an emergency?