Tips for Setting Up Your Emergency are easy to come across as you surf the net, but how many are practical? Let us look at these simple recommendations below, which will help you have a comfortable time when you bug-out to the wilderness.
10 Practical & Simple Tips For Setting Up Your Emergency Kit
Preparing for emergencies is about a lot of things, such as mapping out a safe house to flee to when SHTF, but what is most important is your emergency kit. Every prepper has to have a bug-out kit that will help him bug-out more easily whenever there’s a disaster.
This bag can be called a “Grab & Go Kit,” a “Bug-out Bag (BOB), a “3-day kit, or whatever you deem fit. The important thing is that it contains essentials and supplies to get by when things go awry. Typically, these are provisions for eating, shelter, heat & light, sanitation, and health. Let us look at 10 easy tips to set up your “Get Out Of Dodge” (GOOD) bag to be more helpful.
However, keep in mind first that every catastrophe that has followed Katrina has taken an average of 6 days for relief to arrive. This should hint at how long you’ll have to prepare for.
- Always store your kit in a secure place where you can easily reach it when necessary. The most ideal location for this is towards an exit door.
- Avoid storing emergency provisions close to extreme cold or heat.
- Every member of the family is to have a personal BOB, so there is individual access to water, food & clothing. When necessary, distribute heavy items among all family members to ease carriage.
- Be sure that everyone can properly handle their emergency kit when SHTF, either by carrying, pulling, pushing, or dragging.
- Wear a pair of comfortable heavy-duty or hiking boots when you carry your grab & go kit.
- Keep extra keys & other reliable emergency resources, like a source of light outside the bag, whether in your pockets or attached to the bag with a noticeable cord. This will facilitate easier, quicker access.
- Be well aware of every supply in your emergency kit and how to use them before a situation occurs. Hold occasional practice sessions with family members to ensure that everyone can optimize all resources at their disposal. You can organize camping trips to anywhere, even to the field that’s just 5 minutes away from your home. This will give everyone, especially kids, the opportunity to recognize, operate, and use their kits in a practical setting.
- Rotate foods regularly, so you don’t stuff yourself with too much of a particular nutrient. By often alternating among your foods, you’ll be able to choose what you want even after several days.
- Cross-check your clothing items to be sure that they are still good fits and appropriate for the bug-out location and season.
- Plan for emergency supplies that will sustain everyone for 7–21 days.
Finalizing The Simple Tips For Setting Up Your Emergency Kit
You will agree that the above tips for setting up your emergency kit are practical and easily kept to, but this should not cause you to undermine their importance. Keep to them religiously, and you and your family will bug out successfully.