If you’ll be packing up & setting out to the wilderness anytime soon, you should know the winter camping tips to take note of. After all, it’s winter, and while winter camping or exploration is undeniably a memorable experience, it is equally dangerous. It is best to be adequately prepared with your gear & knowledge.
To get the utmost from this adventure, whether the unique peace, freedom, or solitude, you must be properly guided. Else, you may spend your entire stay nursing hypothermia, blisters & come what may, thereby depriving you of all fun you cake out for, and these are even the best-case scenarios. We haven’t considered the possibility of getting buried in a snowstorm or tripping off the nice: so many possibilities, so many dangers.
10 Winter Camping Tips to Take Note Of
Without the constraints that characterize summer camping, winter camping is much more fun. There is typically more space since few campers camp in winter. There’s no problem with bugs & fees are cheaper too. A campfire in drizzling snow is worthwhile too. Here are brief hacks to remember for your winter camping experience to be among your best memories.
Prepare for the Adventure
Winter camping demands plenty of preparations. These include packing the appropriate winter gear & clothing, along with the physical & mental preparedness required to face any unusual hassle you may come across. In challenging or threatening situations, your level of preparation is a key deciding factor in what will happen. Ensure to pack your winter bags, bed, clothing, and many more before hitting the wild.
Go to Bed Warm
With the proper winter clothing, sleeping bag, and sleeping pad, you can get good insulation. They are, however, futile if you go to bed while already freezing. So, make sure you’re warm before hitting the sack. You can engage in some exercise, such as jumping jacks, press-ups, or sit-ups, just before going to bed.
Eat for Energy & Warmth
If you’d like your nights to be warmer, you should eat foods that will ensure it. It is proven that the body burns sugar to keep you warm, so that’s your first clue. Also, you should eat steaming hot foods instead of a cold one.
As you devour a bowl of chili chicken soup or hot porridge, you are guaranteed warmth and eventually more comfort. Keep in mind that your body has to be above a specific temperature at all times to survive winter camping.
Remove Snow From Campsite
If you’re able to, you should pack down your spot where you choose to set up your camp. This means that you should remove snow before setting up your tent. If this is done, you’ll be sleeping on thin snow, and this can be easily melted with your body heat. You won’t even feel this with your bag and pass. Take note of the position of your tent. Make sure it isn’t in the likely way of an avalanche.
Keep Dry
When out in the woods during winter, make sure that you keep dry every second. Should any layer of your clothing get in contact with water, you’ll have a first-hand experience with the biting teeth of the cold. In your efforts to keep dry, come with a lot of extra clothing. This will be helpful if you accidentally get wet.
Note that keeping dry includes your gear. So cover your kit using a waterproof material before handling or using (if possible). You can opt to keep your toolbox in your winter camping tent.
Make Your Trips Early
Always keep in mind the sun sets early in winter and comes out very early too. So, knowing this, you should make your trip very early in the morning rather than leaving it until later. Starting early will mean that you have enough sunlight to set up when you arrive at your destination. That way, you can choose an excellent spot to build at. Besides, you must have shelter fixed before nightfall. You don’t want to spend the night out without shelter in winter. It’s death or, at best chronic hypothermia.
Store Matches In Metal Container
The importance of good matches cannot be overstated on a winter camping trip. These matches are basically what we use to make foods & stay warm (if you can make a fire in wet conditions). If you use the traditional matches, make sure they are securely stored in a metal container. A better alternative is to go for the modern waterproof matches that don’t need extra care to remain functional in the cold.
Sleep With Boiled Water At Your Feet
You can boil water on nights with extreme cold and then turn in a water bottle to keep by your feet before going to bed. This will keep your feet warm. This will also help if your socks are cold and can’t be worn for the night.
Apart from keeping your feet warm, this boiled water will also ensure that you have drinkable, non-frozen water in the morning. If this is the purpose of boiling and not to keep warm, you can just keep it in your clothing bag.
Go With Others
Going alone on winter camping can be tempting. I mean, the thrills of a solitary adventure and the unrivaled peace & quiet available are very appealing. But I would advise against it, especially if you’re just starting. It is always safer to be accompanied by someone who can render some help in case of emergencies.
However, if you prefer going solo anyway, make sure others know exactly where you’re heading to and carry communication devices through which you can easily be reached.
Boil Ice or Snow for Water
If you ever run out of water, which you’re likely to, you may be glad to remember that water is not always in its liquid form. You can fetch snow or ice and boil. With this, there’s a guarantee that you won’t run out of water to drink or for any purpose.
Concluding The Winter Camping Tips to Take Note Of
For a successful winter camping experience, you have to start early. Buy necessary gear and do adequate research on where you’re heading to. Always remember your first-aid toolkit as well. Have you ever camped in winter? Let’s hear from you. Which of your winter camping tips to take note of have we failed to mention?