A topic broadcasting the 7 unconventional uses of condoms when SHTF would sound surprising to the average man, but not the prepper. He knows every item in the world can be put to excellent use only with a little more effort.
A condom will seldom come to your mind in an SHTF situation. In fact, it may be the last thing to think of when catastrophe strikes near. I’m sure even now, all you can think of is the contraceptive uses of condoms. But that doesn’t have to end it.
Looking At 7 Unconventional Uses of Condoms When SHTF
For general-purpose, always remember that as a prepper, all it takes to use things differently is some creativity & out of the box thinking. With careful consideration, you may realize that the waterproof & elastic features of a condom will come in handy in several SHTF scenarios.
Let’s see several other ways to use a condom when the chips are down. I’m sure by the time you’re done reading this article; you’d give yourself a mental knock for having failed to pick up these unconventional benefits.
Hold Water
Desperate times require desperate measures, and this isn’t even extreme. All we are saying is that you can collect water in a condom and carry until there’s a need for it. This may gross you out at first, but I’m sure there’s no faster way to be convinced than an extreme thirst.
This won’t be an everyday event. But if you get in a situation that leaves you without any water gathering container with only a pack of condom, you should optimize the elastic and waterproof nature of the item.
A single condom will hold at least 2 liters of water if you wish. That’s enough for one person for some time in the wild. However, when your condom is filled with water, protect it well because a single puncture may render it useless.
And, yes, you don’t have to worry about the oil taste: there are non-lubricated condoms to use.
Bandage Wounds
You should add a pack or two of condoms to your first-aid toolkit. So if you ever find yourself without bandages, you wouldn’t have to carry an exposed wound throughout your stay in the wild. With some cotton & medical tape, your condom can make a good bandage. Remember that bandaging a wound is essential to prevent infections & hasten up healing.
To use, wait first for the bleeding to stop. Cover the main wound with a piece of cotton & proceed to seal a condom around the area using the medical tape. This will give you a water-resistant bandage.
By the way, you don’t have to wait until your bandage is finished. If there are enough condoms, you should be using them on small wounds while you reserve the actual bandage for large wounds.
Food Storage
Condoms are as useful as everyday storage plastic bags, if not even more useful. Should you have foods that have to be stored in a cool & dry place, condoms may be the ideal containers. They are long-lasting and, when properly used, will keep the foods safe from moisture. Another advantage they possess is that they are light to carry about and will be easy to move about and let you carry more loads since they don’t occupy much space.
Keep in mind that only non-lubricated condoms should be used for your survival purposes. A lubricated one will be difficult to handle and, even worse, contaminate your foods and water.
Light & Keep A Fire
A pseudo glass can help you concentrate sunlight on a spot, and it can be made using a condom and some water.
However, if you can’t go through the process due to insufficient time or any other reason, you can use your condom itself to start the fire, as it is highly flammable. I’m sure you’ve never thought of setting one on fire for, well, obvious reasons. With one condom & one matchstick, you can light and keep your fire burning.
Set the condom among tinder and other materials and set fire to it. This should be enough to start the fire.
Emergency Gloves
Condoms will make great gloves in case of emergency. In any SHTF scenario, keeping your hands free of bacteria or germs is important. Let’s not forget that condoms are made from latex, so putting on one is the same as putting on a glove.
As expected, condoms will fit your hands snugly. You can use these makeshift gloves when treating wounds to avoid the spread of infections and cooking to avoid contaminating the food.
For example, if you shoot a small game or catch a fish, these gloves will come in handy.
A slingshot is a valuable multi-tool used for various purposes, including hunting, self-defense, and entertainment.
To make one, get a sturdy branch shaped Y and tie each condom end to the branch ends, and that’s it. It’s more or less like making a catapult. You can make personal darts, too, using tiny sticks, and if you can’t, rocks will do just fine as well.
Offer Protection to Gun Muzzle
Condoms extend their protective purposes even to the wild. You can wrap a condom around your gun’s muzzle to protect it from dirt & other debris. Remember that the last thing you want with your gun is for it to malfunction, and this is what exposure to the elements can easily cause.
When not in use, whether at night or during the day, having this layer of latex around your muzzle will ensure that it is always clean & usable whenever necessary.
Concluding The 7 Unconventional Uses of Condoms When SHTF
There are more than 7 unconventional uses of condoms when SHTF, including the ability to serve as a tourniquet, fishing bobber, and fastener. A condom can also protect matches from humidity, make signals when lost, and pass for a trash bag. The survival uses of this contraceptive are truly impressive, and carrying them along is a plus to every prepper.