Clearing a room safely may be the thin line between life and death. Because, think of it, you don’t want to be caught unaware when you suspect that there’s an intruder in your home or a particular room. Yet, you have to tread carefully to ensure your safety. Remember, an intruder is ready to escape, kill you, rob you or accomplish some other mission forcefully.
Steps For Clearing A Room Safely
So, let’s say you return home earlier than usual from work to find that your doorknob has been tampered with or door is open unexpectedly. With a pulsing mind, you’re unsure what is happening or has happened. Has your home been breached successfully, and the burglar gone? Or have you arrived right in the nick of time to catch the intruder in the act?
If it’s the first scenario, then you can quickly go through your camera footage and place a call across to the cops. But what if you find yourself in the second situation? What if, as you walk in alarmed, you hear sounds from the corner of your home? Now, that’s a real dicey scenario.
The intruder more than likely does not want to be caught. So, know that they are going to be desperate for an escape. Whether experienced or not, you should expect the suspect will not give away his location, instead preferring to hold you to an element of surprise when springing an attack; say, the moment you walk in your house or a particular room.
So, when this happens, what are the steps to take?
Grab A Weapon — Preferably A Gun
The first thing to do is leave and call the authorities. If this is not an option or you feel there is someone who is in immediate danger inside, you want to get a weapon. A gun might sound harsh, but it’s the best weapon for a situation like this. You do not know what the intruder has for a weapon, so you want to be prepared for anything. First, you don’t know what your intruder has with him, and it’ll be dangerous if you are under-armed when you find him. Imagine doing everything you have to do, and when you find the criminal, you are carrying a knife while he has a firearm. To be cliche, never bring a knife to a gunfight.
The first thing to do is to grab a gun. This is why I suggest that people own at least two guns to be kept in strategic positions and easy to get to. That way, you can keep one in your bedside drawer and stash another in your living room. There’s a very slim chance that the intruder will be in the living room because he’ll want to hide somewhere you can’t easily find him.
So, grab your gun, make sure it’s loaded and let’s see what follows.
NB: In the absence of a gun, you can grab at least two knives, baseball bats, or pepper spray cans. I advise two separate items so you’ll have an element of surprise should you lose one of them.
Quickly Create A Plan
This is perhaps the most crucial step to the success of your operation. How do you go to the next step?
The first thing to do here is to put a call to the police as you never can tell what’ll happen. A couple of cops will be welcomed back up when they arrive. Next, assess your position and that of your family members. It will be much better or easier if you are alone than having kids with you then. If you are in the same place with them, secure the immediate area, and keep the room locked. If not, prepare to go find them.
Make a plan of how to get to wherever you think they might be and how to get back out. And, if you have no idea, you’ll have to check the whole house. It’s your home, so you have a map in your head and already have an advantage.
However, keep in mind to be highly cautious before pulling that trigger — that intruder may just be a family member. Most importantly, you have to accept that when clearing a room or building, only shoot a legitimate, identified threat and when you pull the trigger, you pull to kill.
Assume The Appropriate Posture
Now, you’re approaching a room with a gun in hand; how should you do so? Do you keep your hands in your pockets or fold them on your chest? Obviously not.
Rather, get your body into a sturdy stance, as if you’re poised for fighting. This time, you’re a predator, as well as prey. The odds are high for danger. An ideal posture is to keep your feet apart by a shoulder-width, knees bent, stronger hand pointing gun forward firmly and keeping the firearm close to your body, and the whole body slightly tilted forward.
Remember to keep your gun ready for action at all times – off safety. Note that a split second is all it takes to draw the line when dealing with guns. A second of hesitation or inability may see you become the one with a bullet or knife fatality.
Slice The Pie
“Slice the pie” is an effective strategy when approaching a room to clear. As expected, you’re not walking shoulder-high, straight up into a corner or bend, are you? That would be unbelievably careless, so here’s what to do.
Picture the doorway or corner as a pie and approach in a very concealed manner. You do not want to hint the intruder of your movements. So, take very slow but firm steps, with your eyes superbly working and your head up as you scan the “pie slice.” When sure that there’s no one at the bend, proceed.
When you have to open a door, stay on the side of the knob and open it completely, most preferably with a heavy kick. If the door doesn’t budge, you can tell someone’s behind it, and if it does, you can see more parts of the room.
While speed is necessary as a delay can be dangerous, you shouldn’t work so fast that you wouldn’t understand what you see.
Clear The Room Thoroughly
Having opened the door and seen that there is no immediate threat, proceed carefully into the room. Usually, the first spot to check is behind the door as it is an easy place to hide. Next, check every possible spot that the intruder can hide. It’s your room anyway, so you should know where to check.
Remember to be ready to shoot once you identify a threat. And when you check a room, be thorough in your assessment. You have to be sure no one is creeping after you once you turn your back.
Takeaway On Clearing A Room Safely
Clearing a room is not as much about skill as it is about courage and calmness. If you are scared upon finding an intruder, the suspect has a chance to capitalize on your weakness. Be careful, thorough, and decisive. If you do not find the target in the first room you check, go carefully from room to room until you’ve assessed all areas in the building or home.
The instant you identify a threat, shoot as you’re not sure of what weapon he’s carrying. Never freeze when it’s finally the time to pull the trigger. Clear with courage.
Again, if you know there are no captives or no-one is missing or in the house, do not be a hero. Leave it for the authorities to check out when they arrive. It is always better to be alive to fight another day than to rush into a dangerous situation when there is no immediate danger.