Finding home defense plans that actually work has never been more pressing than it presently is. The present state of the nation is shocking, given that we’d have expected ourselves as a nation and people to be well above inhumanity at this age. But, unfortunately, the reality is far different from expectations, and most times, less pleasant as it is now.
The crime statistics are frightening. A lot of people are getting shot right in their homes, basically because they wouldn’t allow a criminal to rob them. The police seem to be breaking down as well, especially after the nationwide protests against them. This seems to worsen things, as burglars now hide under the pretext of these demonstrations to rob homes they think are vulnerable, and they are hardly caught.
Honestly, as things are, you are your family’s first line of defense against criminals. So, what do you do to keep your home safe?
Implementing 4 Home Defense Plans That Actually Work
The definition of a home defense plan shouldn’t be strange to anyone. It is a plan put in place to keep intruders out of your home. And I don’t mean that figuratively (like keeping snitches away from your marriage), I’m talking literally about keeping your family and property safe from criminals. Now, you’d agree that this is necessary with the current state of lawlessness characterizing the nation.
For most people, their foremost home defense plan is having a rifle under the bed or a Glock in their bedside drawer. And while this is understandable, it doesn’t make sense when it is the only defense mechanism you’ve put in place. Criminals are starting to hone their offensive strategies, and a single shotgun might not be that frightening anymore.
Besides, what if you realize the intrusion too late or are too far from your weapon? What do you do? Keep in mind that making any move while already stood by a burglar can be suicidal, so it’s either you stop them from getting in, or you’re waiting with an army the moment they come through the door — or window.
While you most probably can’t get an army with you every night, there are plans which you can effect that’ll keep your home safe from criminals. Let’s look at these top-notch defensive strategies.
Do Some Cleaning Up Outside Your Home
If you watch movies, you’d be familiar with the scenes of soldiers having to hide behind blockades and objects when making an attack. Aren’t you? It’s the same with robbers, albeit they aren’t coming to make an arrest or reduce you— they are coming to take what you have. Where is it easier to get mugged: a vast visible field or an alley with places to hide quickly? Of course, it’s an alley.
So, if you’re interested in keeping your home protected, the first step to take is to get rid of things that could aid the criminal. Your yard shouldn’t look like a battlefield where people can hide behind blockades and proceed until they turn your doorknob. That would be disastrous. So, keep your exterior clean. Dispose of all possible hiding spots for criminals, such that as soon as they step on your property, they are in your full view.
“Let There Be Light”
No, no, you aren’t God, nor are you creating humans, but you’re turning on the lights. You’re lighting the apartment because the bad guys prefer a shade of darkness. And except your assailant is coming with a bazooka or 20 millimeters, he’d want to sneak up on you, so you don’t get enough time to react. So, how do you break his heart?
Flood your yard… with lights! Motion-triggered lights are particularly useful. These lights will automatically come on when they detect motion. Let’s say a robber is sneaking around your yard, and blinding lights immediately flood everywhere; what do you think would happen? They would freeze, even if for only a second, and the natural reaction would be to flee. Remember that there’s no place for them to hide in your vast, cleared out the yard. So, that’s your signal to grab your firearm and do some shooting.
You should install motion lights in your front yard, backyard, and driveway. These are the places they could approach from.
Eyes In The Skies
Install some cameras. That’s not debatable. However, some can’t tell the importance of a camera as they claim it doesn’t stop the bad guy anyway. But that’s where they miss the point. An intruder who sees a blinking camera instantly realizes that you’re not clueless or vulnerable like the average man. For most criminals, that’s where they run.
Besides, having a camera keeps you a step ahead. With a camera in your backyard or front porch, you can see everyone who’s coming or even just passing by. So, should you observe any suspicious activity, you’re able to prepare ahead. Quite simply, a camera keeps you ahead of the curve.
Some cameras can notify you when they catch an intruder. You can set this to a teeny beep, beep, or a yelling police siren. Whichever way, it is bound to give you leverage over the criminal.
Get Some Dogs
A dog is one of the greatest hunters out there. They are naturally designed for hunting and thankfully, are our good friends. So, having one for protective purposes is an excellent defense plan. There is hardly a burglar that’d still advance after seeing two or three German Shepherd breeds roaming your yard. Even if he dares to, he won’t be allowed. Trust your canine friends to keep out all intruders, especially at night, and when he looks suspicious.
Think of it yourself. If you were a burglar, which would you go for between an apartment with growling, prowling dogs, and another without any watchdog? The answer is resoundingly apparent, isn’t it? Exactly.
Final Lines On The Home Defense Plans That Actually Work
Executing any of the above home defense plans that actually work is a good thing, but I’d advise that you try to implement all. Think of a yard with no hiding spot, powerful, blinding lights, cameras, and a pair of powerful canines. That’s a fortress, no doubt about it. And should any burglar be stupid enough to attempt still, you’ll be waiting in hand with your firearm. Make sure you get a headshot; it counts more.