If I told you that there are several foods in your stockpile that may poison you, I bet you’d find it amusing. Wouldn’t you? Ironically, I’m not joking as you read this. There are actually foods in your pantry that may have negative effects on you.
I first got to know these foods when one of my friends who worked in the food industry asked me if I had any poison in my survival stockpile. Of course, I found that laughable, but he was serious. He then took his time to point some facts out, and upon some research myself; I found out he wasn’t wrong at all.
What’s scary is that these foods are very common in the pantry of most preppers. Let’s see what they are.
5 Foods In Your Stockpile That May Poison You
Apple Seeds
Of course, Apple seeds are found in apples and, fortunately, will not hurt you if you take one or two balls of apple. What’s unsafe is consuming too many apples. This is because these seeds contain cyanide. If you’re familiar with some history, you may know that cyanide was necessary in the gas chambers for executing criminals in those days. You can always check with food experts to verify this.
In fact, the most potent homemade poisons in those days used to contain apple seeds. However, as I said, eating 1 or 2 apples won’t hurt you. You’ll have to eat a lot of apples within a short time to be affected.
Apricots, Cherries, Peaches & Plum Pits
Much like apples, these fruits also contain cyanide. However, unlike apples, some of these fruits don’t have to be eaten excessively to be poisonous. For example, just five plum pits can be toxic to children if the seed capsules are broken. Furthermore, there used to be cases of people in critical conditions after eating up to 30 pits of roasted apricots.
Lima beans
Research has revealed that up to 300 milligrams of hydrogen cyanide in just 100 grams of certain foreign Lima beans. Thus, you have to be sure that the beans you’re buying or deciding to plant are of the right quality. For beans to be healthy, 100 grams have to contain just 10 milligrams of hydrogen cyanide.
Potatoes are sweet, sure, but that doesn’t mean they are safe. They contain solanine, a remarkably toxic glycoalkaloid poison. This poison is concentrated under the skin of spoilt & sunburned potatoes that have turned green. It is also found in potato sprouts, and I assume you’ve heard of it. Some of us have experienced stomach aches and discomfort after eating plenty of potatoes.
Thankfully, this poison can be destroyed by peeling off potatoes (that you suspect) and boiling in hot water. True, no one will eat a spoilt potato in the first place, but there are very few things that we won’t eat when SHTF.
Concluding The Foods In Your Stockpile That May Poison You
There are a lot of other foods in your stockpile that may poison you. We’ll look at more in subsequent posts. By the way, I suggest that you check out the foods in your pantry today and see if there are any corrections to be made.