Relying on specific handy army skills when SHTF increases your percentage of survival. If you can master these skills, you’ll be better equipped for escaping an SHTF situation. After all, military men are taught to survive unnatural, survival scenarios. Let us look at some of their skills that will be beneficial when the chips are down.
2 Handy Army Skills When SHTF
There are several army skills, but we’ll be looking at only the ones that are likely to help us when we bug out to the wild or come across a gang of hoodlums at midnight. Let’s see what we’ll be learning.
Situational Awareness
Fortunately, this concept is easy to learn. It is simply the state of mind to be aware of your immediate & relatable surroundings at all times. This enables you to identify threats before they are pronounced (and too late to nullify) and gives you an understanding of whatever situation you may find yourself in at a particular time. This isn’t just theoretical knowledge; it is a lifestyle to be adopted if you want to remain safe and ahead of bad doers. When you understand situational awareness, you’ll be horrified that you didn’t practice it before now.
Recognizing A Suspicious Person or Activity
Since we are talking of awareness, a crucial part will be the ability to identify a person or activity that is out of place at a time. If you are familiar with normalcy at a setting, then figuring out a weird thumb sticking out should not be difficult. When suspicious of a person or activity, it is advisable to inform the authorities or raise an alarm. Better sorry than dead!
In the end, it may be a cry of a wolf or a genuine cry for help that will lead to the capture of a criminal and save about a thousand people. Anyone would go with the second option, surely?
Identifying Criminal Surveillance
If you’re to be attacked, chances are there is a person out there to keep tabs on you. Yes, someone is most likely going around with your picture asking questions. And what this skill aims for is that you can detect this person before they identify you. Failure to do so will leave you at a disadvantage (when you’re finally recognized), and you, your family, or friends could be in danger.
Losing A Tail
Losing a tail simply means getting rid of a person doing surveillance rounds on you. It’s like putting on a perfume that attracts bees, then taking it off as you turn a corner and throwing it somewhere else. That’ll be sure to mislead the bees.
However, before losing a tail, be sure that you have one. A hen does not cry to have its tail cut.
What to do is to walk erratically, as though you are unsure of your directions. Take swift corners and hide among a crowd. If possible, walk into a place where you won’t be easily found. To find out if your tail is still on, you’ll have to make instant turnarounds or look in reflective surfaces, such as a mirror.
Coping With Danger
Since you know how to be conscious of your surroundings, you should look at coping with the danger you identify. So, let’s say you’re sitting in a café and you see a guy at the door, with his hand underneath his shirt and a jittery look that convinces you that he is there to steal. What should be the next line of action?
Usually, the first line of action is to get away from the threat as much as you can. Then you can raise an alarm where safe. The call should be precise and coordinated to help as soon as possible.
However, while the above is the ideal scenario, not every situation allows you to get away. The ranger might involve shooting, and escape may be difficult. So, what should you do? As always, the first thing is to remain calm, grow the confidence that you’ll make it out safely & try your best to help you and other people out. This situation may demand skills you’re unfamiliar with; let’s see how to combat when necessary.
Guidelines for Self-Defense
- Be harmed. Most states now allow you to conceal carry, so there’s no reason to be caught defenseless when caught in a cross-fire. As long as you meet requirements & no criminal record, 37 states will grant you a license to carry your firearm around.
Okay, think of it. With the skill to recognize the threat before it materializes and the fact that you have a gun, don’t you think you’re better suited to tackle the danger? However, there are two disadvantages: the fact that the place & time was decided by them and the fact that they are willing to harm you.
- You must be quick & violent when reacting to an attack. This does not necessarily mean that you go for the kill or even shoot at them. It may be enough to just scare some assailants by showing the intent to hurt them. However, this can be very risky because your attacker is sure to assume that you will shoot at them, so why give you a chance? Therefore, depending on your assessment of the situation, you may have to shoot the attacker before they do so. In fact, keep your gun loaded and ready to fire.
- If you can’t hit them immediately, get out of their line of fire. A gun is rapid enough but most devastating in the correct hands. Criminals often have poor shots, and shooting you while moving can be very difficult to do. Whatever movement you make, whether to the side or by dropping to the floor, their chance of hitting you is greatly reduced.
- There’s this popular quip that goes, “whatever is worth shooting is worth shooting again.” These are the way officers are trained, which is why criminals rarely survive when shot at. It is called “double-tap.” As you keep tapping with care, your chances of hitting the assailant increases. Your goal may not be to kill them, but if they are handling a weapon & the only shot you get is to the head, please pull the trigger. Twice.
Concluding Handy Army Skills When SHTF
Regular practice of these handy army skills when SHTF may make all the difference between life and death. In addition to the tips of combat mentioned above, you should also learn to stall for time when caught out and take shooting lessons on hitting the target while moving. The latter will give you an unassailable edge over the attacker.