The list of global catastrophes to prepare for continues to expand. Honestly, the earlier we accept the reality that earth is increasingly under threat with each passing day, the better it is for us.
The Covid-19 pandemic appears to be at its end now, with many operations now resuming, but this is after it has taken over 200 thousand people and shut down hundreds of thousands of livelihoods worldwide. So much for a novel virus that no one has ever heard of.
5 Likely Global Catastrophes To Prepare For
No one would have expected this eight months ago, but it has happened and opened our eyes even more to the startling fact that we can never be adequately prepared. However, being prepared when disaster strikes is unarguably better than being unprepared.
You can’t argue that families with contingency plans to fall back on performed relatively better than those without in this Coronavirus pandemic. It is always better to be on the safer side, isn’t it?
So, to ensure that nothing hits you unexpectedly, let’s look at five potential global catastrophes that may be occurring soon— or, perhaps, never.
Economic Collapse
A global economic collapse is one of the lesser-known but very likely catastrophes to happen. Lesser-known because most of us don’t care about the economy as long as we’re surviving in one way or the other, very likely because our dependence on instant and automated systems is absolute. So, should any disaster hit our economy, we are all bound to suffer a financial meltdown. It is necessary to reduce the dependence on the automated financial and economic systems in use today.
Remember that surviving an economic collapse is basically about eating and having enough for your family. So, to prepare for an economic catastrophe, the first thing to consider is to set up a continuous saving fund for feeding you and your family as well as providing the necessities of life. Note that extreme suffering may generate decadence and crimes, so you have to be self-sufficient to keep off the streets. Breed a garden, raise livestock, and have your savings handy.
Water Crisis
According to a recent NASA study, 21 out of the 31 biggest aquifers across the globe are exhausted much quicker than it takes to refill them. Things are not getting better. There are droughts in many countries, and although you may not know this directly, you’ll feel the brunt on your finances.
Water crisis is terrible. As said, if you don’t feel the direct effects, you’ll be paying too much for water. However, if you’re directly affected, you may die of thirst if you’re waiting for automated water systems. Your best options include digging ponds, rainwater conservation, burying cisterns, and cutting down on wasteful, unnecessary use of water.
It is truly and deeply sad that one of the worst possible catastrophes is challenging to predict, but even more difficult to survive, especially when it’s a “big one.” That is, off the scale. That’s the truth. You may find it nearly impossible to survive an earthquake of major magnitude when it hits your location, so the best way to survive one may be to avoid it at all, but how?
Stay abreast of potential disasters that may happen in your locale, and avoid all regions with a high risk of an earthquake. Earthquakes are devastating and can destroy a whole city with a strike. However, if an earthquake ever happens where you live, the drop, cover & hold on strategy may be your best shot at survival— which is moving to a stable place and holding on to remarkable structures that are still standing.
As a plus, an emergency earthquake toolkit can be very helpful as well. It’ll help you stay alive after surviving the initial destruction.
Flooding has been a major threat to existence for thousands of years now, but it has become particularly frightening in recent times due to its rate of occurrence, which is put down to global warming and a couple of other weather conditions. Floods are caused when a riverbank breaks as a result of unpredictable and excessive rainfalls. And, boy, its effects are devastating!
Flooding can wipe out an entire town, although it does not kill as much as it destroys properties. An unrelenting flood can dissolve the foundation of a majestic building and carry its ruins about; much more items like cars. The fortunate thing about flooding is that you can often anticipate and survive it.
Before flooding can occur, there must be significant signs, such as untiring rainfalls and a rise in sea levels. So, with obvious warnings like these, people living in risky regions can quickly make an escape.
And even if a flood occurs in your locale before you make an escape, all you have to do is get to a safe place, which is typically a higher ground where you can wait for some time, so get your emergency kit ready always. Other tips would be to keep your radio on for information and never to drive or move in floods, as they usually contain debris, infections, and animals like snakes.
Heat Waves
In 2003, Europe experienced fatal waves of heat ever recorded, with over 70 000 people falling to their death. Fortunately, it is much easier to detect heat waves these days, but that doesn’t mean you should throw caution to the wind. There are recent reports of the catastrophe, so you have to keep your fingers crossed.
To prepare, get familiar with the common heat waves terminologies used by forecasters to understand whatever you’re listening to. Enroll for professional first-aid training on the treatment of heatwave. Most importantly, set up a plan to be used by you and your family during emergencies.
Concluding The Global Catastrophes To Prepare For
Earth continues to be threatened by waves after waves of disasters. Apart from those mentioned above five, there are several other global catastrophes to prepare for. Due to their degree of significance, we’ll be looking at more of these catastrophes in our subsequent blog.