The use of non-lethal weapons for self-defense is obviously to protect ourselves, yet the assailant. Because, if you aren’t considerate of who the bad guy may be, you’ll be going through a list of the top 10 guns to own for self-defense instead of this.
We can no longer pretend: the world around us is unsafe, as much as wish that it isn’t. It’s becoming a dog eat dog world, and not necessarily in the post-apocalyptic sense (where it’s kill or get killed). You know this is true, and I hope you’re prepared enough.
6 Non-lethal Weapons For Self-defense
If you’re having a hard time putting aside your moral compass regarding killing criminals, here’s good news. The weapons on this list are not deadly, but they will be enough to protect yourself from whatever is coming at you. Sometimes, it may not be about your morality. Some situations don’t warrant blazing all out with your 12-gauge shotgun.
Pepper Spray
Of course, you were expecting this, which is an indication that “non-lethal” does not necessarily mean “harmless.” We just don’t think you should kill when it doesn’t warrant it. We want you to subject the assailant to pain and, more importantly, protect yourself, which is where the pepper spray comes in. Pepper spray will not just halt the attacker’s movement, but it will also leave him blind for some minutes — enough time to make an escape or hit him with a club, so he passes out, whichever you prefer.
Without a doubt, a power spray is one of the most potent destabilizers of an incoming attack. Fortunately, there are even more powerful brands of pepper spray these days. Some brands contain 3-in1 pepper formula that can blind a person forever. Some can even go as far as 10 feet when sprayed. So, you see, you may want to redefine your definition of non-lethal.
Stun Gun
Again, you expected this, and for a good reason. A stun gun will save you the mess of a pepper spray. And if you are brave enough to go a little closer to an attacker, then this may be your best choice. Holding a stun gun is enough to scare a burglar, thanks to its frightening flash and crackle. If, however, you’re faced with a brave assailant who doesn’t stop proceeding, be rest assured that the 53 million volts of your gun will decapitate just about anyone.
Some high-end stun guns come with spiked electrolytes that will penetrate any clothing, no matter its thickness, while some may even feature shock plates by its units, so no smartass can try to wrestle it from you. An additional spec to look out for in stun guns is a rechargeable battery and led flashlight. You can get a stun gun for as low as $15.
Baseball Bat
While growing up, you must have handled a baseball bat, which may give you an edge of familiarity while using it. Because, believe it, there are cases of people who’ve freaked out when it’s time to use a pepper spray, stun gun, or any sophisticated self-defense weapon. We attribute this hesitation to fear stemming from realizing that they’ve never used this before and don’t know how it will work.
But, with a baseball bat, you’ll barely experience that. You can confidently grab a baseball bat and beat consciousness out of a criminal. All it takes is to swing it, and you’re winning. However, a baseball bat requires the assailant to be close to you, or better still, unaware of your movements. A baseball bat can be a horrible weapon if your attacker holds a weapon that can fire over a long-range.
Striker Flashlight
Perhaps you’re not at all keen on hurting your attacker or would very much prefer to make a quick getaway; then, this is one of your finest options. While a striker flashlight works just fine as an everyday tool, it contains some specs that will be of great benefit to you when defending yourself. To begin with, a striker flashlight features a burst mode, which is 1000 lumens; that’s enough brightness to blind a person temporarily if he or she is without eye protection.
In addition to this, a standard striker flashlight comes with the strobe feature, which disorients the person it is being used on. And to prove its usefulness as a tactical and defense weapon, a striker flashlight usually has a chiseled bezel, meaning that you can swing it like a baseball bat when necessary.
Bean Bag Gun
Talk about non-lethal nuclear weapons. Hilarious, isn’t it? But that’s exactly what a bean bag gun is. And as you may know by now, any weapon with nuclear capabilities is not to be toyed with. Unlike a pepper spray that will only leave an attacker temporarily blind or a stun gun that will debilitate the assailant by sending volts through his body, a bean bag gun will knock the wind out of the lungs of its unfortunate victim. That’s a temporary absence of oxygen, which exposes the person to whatever you wish; because, after all, the brain needs oxygen to function.
A bean bag gun works in spring and is powered by gas. It can shoot bean bags over 130 feet, as it uses a pressurized nitrogen cylinder. Amazingly simple —just point & shoot— yet tyrannically dangerous: remember the bean bag gun on your next shopping trip. It probably costs $200.
Comprehensive Alarm System
Some say the best self-defense weapon is that which powers even in your absence. That is, one that does not need to be held like the stun gun, baseball bat, or pepper spray to do its duty. If you believe this, then this may be your choice.
An alarm system is an effective way to keep burglars away even if you aren’t at home. A high-tech alarm system can be set to detect motion and react upon it. A standard alarm system will blare loud, send emergency messages to specific phone numbers that you’ve chosen, and read out a customized voice message to the attacker. That’s definitely enough to give a scare.
Final Lines On Non-lethal Weapons For Self-defense
Using non-lethal weapons for self-defense is popular among many people, so deciding to use any of the items above isn’t wrong. And as you’ve read, non-lethal does not mean “not dangerous.” However, I advise that you have a gun; you don’t want to confront a gun-wielding burglar with a stun gun or pepper spray.