With more and more accepting the possibility of a post-apocalyptic world anytime soon, it becomes necessary to evaluate certain things to know before buying a gas mask. Because, after all, gas masks are fast becoming a culture statement. Some are starting to feel incomplete if they don’t have one on.
6 Things To Know Before Buying A Gas Mask
Gas masks are basically to prepare for the day fictional stories will turn to our reality. And, maybe, it is not all imaginary. After all, the nuclear bombing of a town in Japan did happen. So, perhaps, using a gas mask is supported by logic.
Whichever way, don’t rush to buy a gas mask because others are. There are specific things that you must know before splurging on a gas mask. Let’s look at these things.
Surplus Military Supplies Are Not Necessarily Your Best Options
If you’re considering buying a gas mask, the chances that you’ll buy from a shop selling military surplus supplies are high. For, after all, surplus supplies are considerably cheaper, and several ads are screaming that in your face.
But, are surplus supplies always for your good? I don’t think so. Army/navy surpluses may not be the prepper’s best buddy.
These supplies are deemed “surplus” for a reason. The military hardly makes their gear available to the public for the sole reason of being too many. Instead, it is more often because these gear are defective, so they cost lower anyway. Think about it. Wouldn’t it be better for the military to keep excess supplies for recruits or personal replacements? Why would they sell to you?
Now, you know.
In addition to being defective, the military gear also ends up in supply stores because an upgrade has replaced them. These gear will rarely carry a seal of guarantee. So, your surplus supplies may be ideal for Halloween, but do yourself the favor of kicking them out of your survival kit. You are too precious to depend on likely-to-malfunction gear when your life hangs in the balance.
Only Go For An NBC Mask
To be candid, if you are planning to buy a gas mask not carrying the NBC seal, you may just settle for one which you made at home yourself.
Relax, here’s why.
An NBC gas mask is designed to provide protection during nuclear, biological & chemical disasters, which explains the name. Any other mask that you settle for cannot be useful in these three scenarios, meaning that you’d have to buy a specific mask for each occasion.
That’s not only expensive but leaves you at great risk. I doubt you’re willing to carry three different gas masks.
In addition to the NBC requirement, check if your mask is approved by the Riot Control Agent (RCA) or the Chemical Blowing Agent (CBA). Having these ratings means that a 3rd party tested your gas mask. This is very necessary because products that are not tested by 3rd parties are rarely reliable.
When buying an NBC gas mask, go for one with a wide field of vision, as you will need it when disaster strikes.
Speed Is A Crucial Consideration
Here’s a piece of bad news that you already know: not having on your gas mask when you need it makes it too late to use it. This, in simple words, means that if your gas mask is not on your face before disaster strikes, it’s of no use. Even the slightest exposure to chemical, nuclear, or biological compounds is dangerously fatal.
So, how do you solve this conundrum?
I think the best way is to buy more than one gas mask when you go shopping. It is weird to ask you to have on a gas mask at all times, except the tragedy has struck already. But, at this moment, you can’t possibly wear your gas mask everywhere you go. So, you may want to have a gas mask in your car, at home, place of work, school, or wherever you go.
As an alternative, especially since these masks can be costly, you can just make some at home.
Removing The Plug
The cinema makes David killing Goliath very easily. In the movies, everything is simple and straightforward, which is understandable. No one expects Tom Cruise to fall from the Burj Khalifa when filming Mission Impossible. Notwithstanding, stunts look too easy in movies. Don’t be deceived.
Strapping on a gas mask isn’t easy for a first-time user. Forget that movies show that a 6-year-old can build a bomb. So, before it’s time to use your gas mask, practice, practice & practice again. Wearing your gas mask requires skills. If you don’t put on your mask correctly, you are as vulnerable as someone not having on at all, because remember, even the slightest exposure does the damage.
Keeping A Manly Beard
Your gas mask is hardly effective if you have a beard, be it a barely-there 7 o’clock shadow or a full bush. Don’t forget that exposing yourself to gas even for a second is enough to kill you. And remember, gas works with the air. It will get to you if there’s even the tiniest hole in your mask.
Thankfully, there’s a solution. Cut off your beard. Look younger. But if you can’t, you can settle for a hooded mask instead. Alternatively, you can use Vaseline to tuck your beards in, such that your normal gas mask will work perfectly even with beards.
Your Gas Mask Isn’t Permanent
You can’t have a gas mask on your face all the time. Apart from the inconveniences you’ll be facing, the amount needed to keep your spare canisters stocked may be exorbitant.
Let’s consider how you want to eat. Will you do so with your mask on?
The truth is, if all you have prepared is a gas mask, your chances of survival are slim. If you don’t have a location you can evacuate to when a disaster like this strikes; then you may hardly survive. Your gas mask is mainly a temporary fix until you get to a safe location.
Concluding The Things To Know Before Buying A Gas Mask
Being aware of the things to know before buying a gas mask is extremely important. It will help you to make the right choices as well as make proper use of your mask. Remember, your gas mask must be sealed to be effective. Anything contrary may be fatal.