For the prepper, there are several reasons to own a pit bull. In fact, this dog may be the best choice to make out of the numerous breeds that we know. This may sound surprising to most people, given that the pit bull has a reputation for its fierceness and inclination to violence. Well, let’s see if your longtime belief about this breed has always been right.
5 Reasons To Own A Pit Bull
While I admit that these myths surrounding the pit bull’s ability to seek trouble and go berserk are not entirely false, you must know that these powerful canines are just as loveable and manageable as any breed. Sorry to say, but the internet may have thrown in one or two details to things you’ve read about pit bulls just to spice up contents.
In case you were wondering how I am so sure, well, would it be fairy-like to know that Carla, a pit bull, was how my wife and I met each other talking? The story can be so charming, especially when I tell it, but no, let’s not focus on that. That isn’t why you’re here.
Let’s look at the excellent reasons to own a pit bull as a prepper.
Ideal For Security & Protection
The pit bull is a muscular breed and can thus be very intimidating, particularly to the uninitiated (ignorant). As a result, pit bulls are commonly used as guard dogs by their owners, and you can’t blame them. The fierce look, imposing stature, and authoritative pose of a mature pitbull are more than enough to deter any guest that may turn out to be unwelcome.
Wherever you’re camping, your pitbull will inform you of noises and movements you’re likely to miss if on your own. The dog can be very aggressive when it sees you’re unwelcome, but this is typically based on its training. Usually, as soon as the pit bull notifies its owner of an approaching stranger and the owner says OK, the pit bull becomes keen to welcome you with tongue lashing and big hugs. But this is hardly known if you don’t own a pit bull, so maybe we’d keep it secret.
And, by the way, I hope you now understand why your boss’s pit bull is always barking ferociously when you go visit… your boss doesn’t like you! Or he just likes to see you sweat.
Pit Bulls Are Near-perfect Swimmers
To accomplish certain missions, it may be necessary to wade through a waist-deep water body during an emergency. Fortunately for you, swimming is just one of the Preparedness courses that your pitbull loves. My pit bulls, Carla and Andrea, are some of the best swimmers I’ve ever seen among animals; sometimes, I think of enlisting them in the Olympics. Swimming does not only help your pit bull stay in great physical condition; it also ensures that he is not a liability when you two hit the marshland for alligator hunting.
As a result of its proficiency at swimming, the pit bull helps to gather food. Your pitbull can help to fetch waterfowl after using, just as most of my friends do. They can do just about anything when it comes to water. And we’ve not even considered that your pitbull can drag you out of a river if you happen to sink.
Talk About Endurance
Pit bulls are one of the strongest dogs you can find. They served as working dogs on local farms in the 19th century and were referred to as the “poor man’s horse,” although “poor man’s ox” works fine too. Thanks to the never satiating thirst for adventure and their muscular build, pit bulls travel great distances effortlessly. It’s as they say for the snail and its shell: “wherever you go, they go…”
Carla, Andrea, and their pit bull friends trek for long hours whenever we are out hunting. As you know, the terrains are never straightforward to maneuver but trust these dogs to take them as a piece of cake. The only limitation they suffer is the frequent need for water, but this is the same with people and other dogs. Isn’t it? Regular water breaks here & there can’t be so difficult. By the way, carry your water purifier at all times.
When SHTF, you & your family may have to travel far and fast, and it must be relieving to know that your dog can take good care of itself. With proper training, your pit bull can carry his water and food.
They Are Amazingly Loyal
Having raised bulldogs from pups to adults, I know how loyal they can be. These dogs will do everything & anything to please their owners. This means that they do whatever their owner requires of them, regardless of what it is. After all, they can’t differentiate between right or wrong. Unluckily, this extreme loyalty is why pit bulls have earned a negative reputation in the society. The pit bull does not mind losing its limbs and even life for its owners, and scums take advantage of that.
However, the society is becoming much more exposed, and we are learning more and more about this excellent canine breed. They are being incorporated as companions to Military veterans suffering PTSD, but that’s by the side. What concerns you is that your pit bull is your most loyal friend when SHTF.
Easy To Train
The pit bull is loyal and willing to please to a fault, making it an easily trainable breed. They will do anything you ask of them, and so training them is quite easy. As a result, pit bulls are becoming increasingly popular and have even been drafted to the K-9 units of the Law Enforcement. New York is a good example.
Your pitbull is trainable for a lot of things. It depends on what you want. It can be an excellent Hunter, a powerful protector, a patrol dog, or even all. It’s about what you want.
Takeaways From The Reasons To Own A Pit Bull
As you have seen, there are good reasons to own a pit bull. Asides from the reasons mentioned above, the pit bull is a very healthy breed and will cost you little to acquire and maintain. It is easy to see why these muscular dogs are one of the finest dogs to bring along on a hunting trip.