Knowing the tips for hunting squirrels will be of great importance someday. Asides from the general notion that no knowledge is a waste, squirrel hunting is a good way to put food on the table. These rodents taste just like fried chicken with gravy and biscuits. The older ones taste even better, especially in stew. And we haven’t even mentioned that you may have no choice but to hunt squirrels when SHTF.
By the way, there is common thinking that squirrel hunting is for kids, but that’s difficult to agree with. Is anyone trying to say that he would let a squirrel go when on a hunting trip? No, I didn’t think so.
Top 3 Tips For Hunting Squirrels
Squirrels often go into hiding whenever there’s a sound or movement nearby and then come out when they assume that everywhere is silent. But this can take a while.
Thus, the best thing is to walk about and sit still after a while. Find a likely shelter for squirrels and hide about 20–30 yards away for 15–20 minutes. While you wait, keep your eyes and ears alert. If a squirrel doesn’t come out after 20 minutes, walk further away and hide.
But if after doing this, you don’t spot a squirrel, move on to another possible hole.
However, note that if you’ve already seen a squirrel before it runs into hiding, you should still around. It will come out. All you have to do is convince it that you’ve left.
Look For Nest Trees
If you’re hunting in the woods, your best shot will be finding a nest tree because it is the animal’s home, or rather where it sleeps. A squirrel will return to its nest at least five times a day. So, if you find a nest tree but can’t spot any squirrel, just hang around.
Nest trees are usually large dead trees with various holes in their trunks. More often than not, these holes show some little fall at their edges, which are the points through which the rodents climb out and into their nests.
Calling Signs
There are various types of calls you can make to lure a squirrel out, but the “rock call” remains the most effective.
This call copies the sound made by a squirrel when chewing nuts. To do so, hold two small pebbles and roll them about in your hand. This is a common sound to a squirrel, and so, with little luck, a squirrel will most definitely come out to eat some nuts.
Concluding The Tips For Hunting Squirrels
Hunting squirrels does not have to be difficult. In fact, it is an easy thing to do, once you know the above tips for hunting squirrels. What you do need most is the accuracy of your shots from 20–30 yards, as well as the ability to go into stealth mode and go closer when necessary.
Ensure to perfect your squirrel hunting skills from home because you don’t want to make mistakes when in the wilderness. It may be for fun, but it may also be a lifesaver.