Selecting the members of your mutual assistance groups (MAGS) is a process that must be carefully done. Your MAGs are, after all, the ones you rely on most when SHTF — not even Uncle Sam.
As you will agree, your cycle has to be filled with people you trust. This is more than the people you know won’t leave your side. We are talking about people who will perform adequately on your behalf in your absence.
If you belong to a good mutual assistance group, you should have no issue panicking when SHTF & you’re far from home. You can always trust that someone will get your kids to safety & secure your property.
Now, imagine being in a MAG with people who wouldn’t bother about you & yours when the poop hits the fan. You’d be in a lot of problems, I tell you.
Tips for Selecting the Members of Your Mutual Assistance Groups (MAGs)
Admit Slowly, Dis-admit Quickly
Regardless of the level of your eagerness in growing your MAG ranks, never be too quick to make someone a member — except if the applicant is someone you already trust long before his application. This does not mean an ordinary friend you’ve known for a while — I’m talking of who’s proven they can be relied upon time & time again.
You cannot just admit people without trusting them. You need to do your research to be sure the person won’t disappoint when critical.
Now, I get that some people tend to conceal some of their negative habits while seeking something. This is why I suggest that you expel people very quickly, too, without even considering how long it took to admit them. You can’t keep people in the house because you like them or think they did a lot to be admitted.
Remember a Background Check Always
This shouldn’t even need a reminder, but I should mention it nonetheless because it is not only about what a person’s past reveals & giving them the nod. It is also how a person reacts when he finds out a background check will be conducted on him.
You have to inform the person to his face and observe his or her reaction when you pass the information. A person with nothing to hide wouldn’t flinch in the least, but the same may not be for a person who has to hide from something.
In fact, clean people should give you a rundown of what to expect from your digging even before you dig. That way, you’ll be spending less time on your checks.
Contribution is Mandatory for Everyone
Your group has to be set up such that no member, whether an existing or potential one, has the opportunity to gain the group’s help without first contributing something. This requires them to first perform a task to prove their seriousness.
Now, these tasks depend on what the group needs. It may be the discharge of skills, getting some material goods, or requiring the person to make some efforts beforehand.
Conclusion for Selecting The Members of Your Mutual Assistance Groups (MAGs)
Selecting the members of your mutual assistance groups (MAGs) is not a piece of cake. It is very much like buying gear. You must consider the person you’re admitting. Is he worth it? Admission into your MAG has to be given only to people who have proven that they should be in it.