Let’s check out other fantastic survival hacks for Christmas in this article. In the previous part, we discussed the tips to start with & now we’ll look at some other decisions to take to make sure Christmas is an all-around success. Here we go.
4 Standout Survival Hacks for Christmas
Indulge Consciously
90% of the holidays are dedicated to foods & drinks. I mean, there’s hardly an empty table or plate in the house. But this does not mean that your Christmas get-togethers are focused absolutely on eating.
Taking a drink or two is okay, but it is advisable to keep a leash on things, especially your alcohol intake. That’s always the cause of a splitting headache the day after. Drinking & eating wisely will save you the health concerns of boxing day, thereby allowing you to box expertly at your parties — don’t take this literally, of course.
Feel free to speak up when you start feeling unwilling to continue drinking. Discontinue drinking when necessary.
Filter Out the Negatives
Having had it in mind that no Christmas is perfect & that no family is the best, you have to maintain positivity throughout the season. Don’t be saddened by whatever negative that pops up. There’s always the possibility of something going wrong, but you shouldn’t focus on the black dot ignoring the wide white space.
Also, focusing on the good things going on will keep you all happy. You can foster this by thinking back on inside jokes, family traditions & certain activities that you all have enjoyed over the years.
The essence is, do not allow the little blemishes to ruin the celebrations for you or others.
Explore the Outdoors
You may find yourself becoming bored after you all are done eating, and if you dread this or the awful conversations that pop up about your present life and how horrible your job is now, your safest bet is to suggest a family stroll or, better still, a drive to any outdoor spit where everyone can have fun.
As an alternative, you may just do so yourself with a sibling or pet. If you don’t want to allow in the negatives, robbing yourself physically from the scene should help.
Besides, trudging through the snow is a great way for the whole family to unwind. Who knows, you all might get into a snowball fight, and you’d finally get the chance to whoop that nosy aunt of yours.
Set Necessary Boundaries
Often, we fail to define boundaries, which can be at its worst on a Christmas, especially with many persons who appear to lose all sense of privacy when there’s a party.
I suggest that there’s a general agreement among you all on topics that can be discussed & those off the table. You can all have a WhatsApp group where this is sorted out.
Outlining your boundaries so others can’t ask certain questions will ensure you don’t get unnecessarily peeved.
Concluding The Survival Hacks for Christmas
I agree, just like everyone else, that Christmas is a time to have lots of fun, eat & receive gifts from Santa. But it is best to keep things moderate to avoid decisions & actions that you’ll regret after.
Pay attention to the survival hacks for Christmas suggested above & experience a wonderful time with family. Merry Christmas in advance — off with my reindeers now; what do you want for Christmas?