It is essential to discuss survival tips for Christmas due to the recent trends of people wanting to do a lot to impress others, which has led to more frustrations than a reason to be happy. Prepping is not limited to the wilderness, is it? Let’s see how we can spend this memorable time of the year in a way that won’t affect us for months to come.
4 Excellent Survival Tips for Christmas
There is No Perfect Christmas
This had to be the first idea to get into your head and that of everyone who matters. In fact, recite it to yourself every morning as if it’s weight-loss therapy. Most people every year try to pull off the party of the year. Everyone wants the perfect Christmas party, and this has led to stress & frustrations. What is most important during Christmas is that you enjoy it with family. Never get into debt because you want to impress others. If you can’t avoid expensive gifts, it’s not the end of the world.
Also, keep in mind that it is not mandatory that everything goes to plan. Come on; you’re not planning an infiltration into a terrorist organization. The keynote is that everyone feels loved & has fun.
Spend Wisely
There are over 50 gifts to buy, over $5 000 – $20 000 stocking up to do (for some families) & a lot of parties to attend. So it is easy to see that Christmas can leave your finances in very bad shape. However, while this is usually among a lot of folks, it is hardly understandable given that the extravagance isn’t necessary. You must spend wisely if you wish to truly enjoy yourself.
Before going for purchases, have a list that cannot be compromised regardless of what you find in the store. Sure, you can spare a penny or two for the kids to get ice cream, but I’m hoping it isn’t more than that.
You’re a prepper. Remember that you can always go for handmade gifts and supplies if expenses are too high.
Plan Ahead
To avoid the overwhelming feeling that Christmas has a penchant for coming with, you have to plan. Rather than spend the whole buildup to Christmas fretting over what to do, make a plan & start stocking up as soon as possible. This is easily done by getting a few Christmas items on every visit you make to the store starting from November.
Waiting until D-Day before making your decisions would rank among the top 3 worst decisions of the century. If you can afford it, have an emergency stash against unexpected visitors who may pop in to say “Merry Christmas.”
Ask for Help when Necessary
The pressure of setting up the perfect Christmas (which doesn’t exist) can be extremely stressing, so you need to ask for help. For example, if you’re having it with the whole family (parents + everyone else), you & your wife can offer to bring one of the dish courses while others do the same.
In another sense, you could ask the kids to assist with decorations & arrangements of presents. The keynote is to avoid doing it all alone when there are so many people to help.
Concluding The Survival Tips for Christmas
Christmas is undoubtedly the most interesting time of the year. It’s the season of love, togetherness & joy. But while at it, we should avoid making decisions that’ll stress our mental health. Let’s get to the subsequent part of this article to see more practical survival tips for Christmas. Remember to stay happy with your family.