If you’re new to prepping, you’d need the survival food pyramid, so things don’t get overwhelming. The purpose of the pyramid is to guide you on your levels of stockpiling foods, so you don’t feel rushed, leading to a loss of interest.
Every basement you see filled with canned foods began at a point. Let’s see how to start too.
What’s the Concept Behind the Survival Food Pyramid?
This pyramid may be unusual, starting from the top to the bottom instead of the other way. The tiny top indicates the stockpiling of very small food amounts for short periods. This means that a new prepper can begin his food pantry with something easy & cheap and then build his way downward.
This pyramid guides you on what you should buy. It will prevent you from making purchases that are not essential to your prepping level now, although they may be useful overall. How much will you eat out of a 50-pound bag of rice in a 3-day power outage?
Logical prepping is the smart way to survive. Here are the levels of this pyramid.
The Immediate Prepper
For the one who’s new to prepping, you should begin by stashing foods & supplies that will be enough for a 3-day emergency. All this can be done on a single trip to the store. You should understand that you have to buy foods with long shelf lives too; I’m not saying that you buy foods that will perish after three days.
If you do this beforehand, you won’t be among those raiding stores & vulnerable homes in case of a simple emergency like a power outage. Make sure that you pack sufficient water for everyone too. The typical recommendation is 1 gallon per se for an individual.
Food bars should be considered too.
The Extended Leveler
All this involves is building up on your initial preps. Now that you’ve set up your immediate plans, you can add these caches on further visits to the grocery store. If you’re adding an item to your pile every time you go to the store, you’ll soon find that you’ve gathered enough to survive for weeks, even months. Keep in mind that you’ll have needs for regular cooking supplies in more quantities at this time. More water is a necessity too.
The Long-termer
Preparations at this level are preparing you for emergencies that’ll last for long & will prevent visits to the stores. This is where you advance from basic stockpiling to self-sustaining. It starts by stashing large containers of staples like wheat, flour & sugar. In addition to this, you need to have a heavy source of alternative power supply and cooking methods. Water collection, filtration & recycling systems need to have been put in place at this time too.
The Perpetual Trip
This is a one-way trip to Bikini Bottom. It preps you for situations that have very slim chances of ending. There’s no coming back. This is where you resort to permanent off-grid living. At this point, a garden full of heirloom seeds & excellent hunting tools is a necessity. There has to be a natural source of water too. It’s life before technology.
Concluding the Survival Food Pyramid
Apparently, you need to take things slow & steady with prepping. It’s not a venture you splurge out on suddenly; it’s a lifestyle you grow into. Let’s hear from you: what level are you on the survival food pyramid?