I’m betting you’ve considered stockpiling rice for survival because this is one of the most consumed foods globally. It’s a meal you’re sure to find if you bugged out to Asia, Mars, Africa, Neverland, Antarctica, or Disneyland.
Rice tastes great as the main dish, a side, or a concoction added to different recipes. Whatever you choose to use it for, it’s a direct kick.
But is rice food to stockpile for when SHTF? You bet it is; let’s see reasons to stash more of this staple food in your pantry.
Reasons for Stockpiling Rice for Survival
Considering that rice is a meal you enjoy eating, there are other great WHYs to have this meal in every prepper’s pantry. They include:
- Price: Rice is relatively affordable. When I wrote this article, $0.71 could buy me a pound of rice. That means $35.50 would get me up to 50 pounds. Quite cheap for a food that popular.
- Less is More: Rice could be the factor behind the laws of multiplication. When I was a kid, I used to worry if we would be satisfied whenever my mom fetched little raw rice to cook; you may have done the same too. I’m assuming you eventually stopped — as I did after cooking for myself & deciding to cook what I thought would be plenty enough (a story for another day). A cup of raw rice produces about 3 cups when cooked. So many people could eat very little.
- Flavor: Rice tastes quite neutral, making it even more amazing that it is enjoyed so much. This neutral flavor means you could add it to any recipe & it would go very fine. Rice can always be used to supplement meals for this reason.
Types of Rice to Stockpile for Survival
There are plenty of types of rice to stockpile, but white & brown remain the most popular choice. They are the most easily available.
White Rice
This is the most accepted type of rice. I even think that if blood weren’t red, it would be white for this purpose. Also called polished rice due to the absence of bran & germs, this may be the only kind of rice you’ll find in every city in the world.
The downside to white rice is that the polishing process removes some of its nutrition, although it gives it the advantage of lasting longer on the shelf. If you store white rice properly, it could last for decades.
Brown Rice
Also called brown rice due to its color, the bran & husk of this rice kind are not stripped as there is no polishing process. It is therefore very much healthier.
However, expect a consequence. Brown rice contains higher oil levels, so there’s a higher likelihood of it going rancid, meaning the best it can do is six months on the shelves.
By the way, it’s ironic that we eat more of the rice type that’s lower in nutrients. Good diet habits, boys; Uncle Sam would be proud of you all.
Final Lines on Stockpiling Rice for Survival
Stockpiling rice for survival is a straightforward process — especially if you’re selecting white rice, and you should. Except if you have an unlimited supply of brown rice, I don’t see how it’s advisable to stockpile a food that’ll last for only six months on the shelves.