If visual tips are your thing, below are the top 1–5 YouTube prepping channels to follow. These channels have been ranked using their number of subscribers, which is a very significant factor in measuring excellence in the YouTube world. The figures of subscribers are verifiable as of the time of writing. They may change with time.
Here we go.
Shortlisting the Top 1–5 YouTube Prepping Channels
Primitive Technology — 7.5 million Subscribers
If you’ve been snoozed around YouTube for survival-related topics, there are high chances that you’ve come across this guy. He’s an Australian who spends his whole life in the tropical rainforest in North Queensland, and the sound of him working on alternatives to everyday technological inventions is all that you hear in his videos.
Here’s the mind-blowing thing: this Australian has never once used a tool that we use in the normal world. He always makes designs from clay, mud, sticks, and whatever is available in the jungle.
Without any doubt, this is the perfect YouTuber for anyone interested in the visual representation of wilderness survival. His channels’ superiority is shown in the startling difference between his subscribers & the next-rated survival channel.
Wranglerstar—989K Subs
Now, talk about how to survive with your family in the wild. This family abandoned their life in the city in 2010 to return to the very roots of human existence. They are core homesteaders who run projects on the outdoors lifestyle, self-sufficiency & survival. You have to check these people out. This is unarguably the best channel for intending & already practicing homesteaders.
Survival Lily— 642k Subs
Survival Lily is also very popular on YouTube and comes next if you’re searching for pure wilderness or survival tips. Lily is an Austrian Survivalist who’s always looking to survive on the very minimal necessities. That’s what survivalists do anyway. Lily’s channel features primitive & modern wilderness survival contents, urban survival & long-term survival.
Speaking from another perspective, it is refreshing to find a popular female survivalist since nearly every known prepper or survivalist is male.
Joe Robinet—595k Subs
This channel is run by Joe & Scout, his dog buddy, and focuses mainly on Canadian bushcraft skills. He shows the realities of the wild, easily constructing well-designed natural shelters or setting up a tarp or tent to sleep in.
What’s more, he survived sleeping in the snow as well, so there’s a lot of reasons people watch him. Whether for an overnight stay in the woods, an extended or 10-day long trip, Joe ensures he covers everything. To ensure that people understand the dangers associated with the wilderness, he covers the errors he makes while constructing. This way, viewers can see things are not always rosy in the wilderness even if you know how to do them.
David Canterbury—498k Subs
David Canterbury is the poster boy of the survival industry. He is well known across all prepping households. David’s channel focuses more on outdoor self-reliance & self-sustainability. His contents are always practical, detailed, & interesting, thanks to the diligence applied in explaining them. Canterbury created the 10 Cs of survival, which has since become a template to select outdoors survival gear.
Concluding The Top 1–5 YouTube Prepping Channels to Follow
The top 1–5 YouTube prepping channels to follow are very helpful. Check them out, and continue following this thread as we go through the next batch of channels together.