There are easy steps to survive a snakebite, especially when the snake isn’t highly venomous. Let us see what they are.
4 Steps to Survive a Snakebite
Remember the Snake’s Appearance
A snake’s appearance is often enough to tell experts everything that needs to know about its venom & most effective treatments. If upon all precautions that you take, a snake bites you anyway, it will do you well to take note of its looks.
When committing a snake’s appearance to memory, take note of its most noticeable features, and these are typically the size, color, shape of the head & other features that may be unique to its movement, say if its tail is shaking like a rattlesnake’s. This description, along with your geographic location, is enough to tell a specialist what type of anti-venom to administer.
Take Distance-related Protective Measures
If a snake has bitten you or someone with you, it is advisable to move yourself or whoever has been bitten far away from the point of contact. This is why you are advised to always go to snake-related places with others. Now, this does not mean that you move about 1500m away, but you should go far enough that the snake can’t inflict further bites.
Proceed to lay down or lay the victim down, positioning the wounded spot below the heart. For example, if the snake had bitten you in the leg, lay down in a way that your leg is lower than your heart. This will slow down the circulation of blood to that area. While doing this, be slow and deliberate. There is usually an adrenaline boost after a snakebite, and acting on it will only get the venom to spread faster in your body.
If the leg is where the wound is, take off your shoes as they are likely to cause compression.
Wrapping the Wound
Following a snakebite, the best thing to do is to immediately wrap a conforming bandage, piece of cloth, or whatever is available above the exact bite tightly. This will slow down the spread of the venom in the body & buy you enough time to get help.
You don’t even have to wrap very tightly like a tourniquet. Just do a restrictive wrap and get help as soon as you can. I don’t want to think that there’s anyone who does not seek help after this step, but if there is, maybe your camping or hiking partner, you have to get them to the clinic.
Never Do These…
It is common to see some treatments in Hollywood after a snakebite. I am asking you never to do these things. Do not apply caffeine or alcohol on your wound; do not cut it deep, do not try to suck out the venom. Just get to safety. Except if there’s no hope of getting medical help anywhere, then anything goes.
Concluding The Steps to Survive a Snakebite
Obviously, the steps to survive a snakebite are easy to follow. After all these, the final and most important thing is to get medical attention. Rush to a clinic or the nearest medical center. Do not do anything else.