You need to be aware of the various ways to store gasoline for the long-term — after all, this fuel can power many machines. Vehicles, power machines & farming equipment are all useless without gasoline. Don’t forget that it is essential too when it’s time to bug out.
Long-term gasoline storage is often practiced by many, but only a few are able to do so successfully. Sustaining the fuel has always been a difficulty.
It is true that gasoline can last for months when stored properly, else you’ll be having a fortune going to waste, and that’s the better scenario. Something worse that could happen is your storage going up in flames, taking down a lot of things around it.
This article will put you through the ways to properly do this, but we’ll start with the reasons to. So…
Reasons To Store Gasoline For The Long-Term
Easier Access
Like so many of us, I used to spend every day of my life stopping for gasoline on my drives, and I didn’t think much of this until I had to move to the woods. Then I realized that you needed to be conservative with your fuel use as soon as you’re out of town.
Being conservative with fuel would have been possible if I didn’t live in such a vast piece of land that required so many operations to take care of it. Every day, seven engines would work hard for hours & a 5-gallon fuel purchase could never fulfill the purpose.
Switching to long-term storage was the only option available to me. I got it wrong the first few times but soon knew the proper ways to with time. I must say that long-term gas storage has been of good help when discussing accessibility to fuel.
Should Poop Hit the Fan
An SHTF scenario is sure to get the gas stations quickly choked. Fuel will become a precious commodity that you may need some brawl before getting, and that’s if it is still available. Expect the fuel sources to dry out quickly, too, and for hoodlums to interfere with the entire process.
If you are without any gas at this time, you’ll be in a very bad fix. A lack of access to fuel may mean an inability to use your bug out vehicle. And when you’re unable to bug out, it’s a huge problem, isn’t it? You may have some gas in your vehicle, but it will stop eventually.
However, all these can be avoided with long-term gas storage. When you store fuel for the future, you may do so with an eye on potential SHTF scenarios. In fact, you may have a separate compartment for storing fuel meant for your bug out vehicle only. When you have made adequate storage plans, your escape in times of disaster is much easier & faster.
Getting out of town will be a piece of cake. You’ll even be able to do so as soon as you get a whiff of disaster before others are able to get gas at the stations.
Business Reasons
Gas is a vital good with or without a disaster going on. Having a little gas station in a homesteading city will surely be profitable. And even if you live in the fast-paced towns, there are various ways to sell the fuel that you store.
There’s more. Having access to fuel when very few do can make you rich. Depending on how needy the people are, you can take the price of gas as high as you reasonably deem fit. Few would say no when their survival hinges on gasoline availability.
Store gasoline for the long-term to make profits when things are okay and when SHTF.
Tips To Keep Gas Fresh When Stored For The Long-Term
There are different containers for storing gas, including jerry cans, pullable tanks, vehicle attachments & large stationary tanks. However, the emphasis is not limited to the container used for storage. It is common to see cases of people who used the appropriate containers for storage & yet suffered wastage eventually.
Therefore, we’ll focus on some recommendations to keep gasoline fresh for as long as you store it.
Here we go.
Optimize the Use of Fuel Stabilizer
A fuel stabilizer is the most significant extender of gasoline lifespan. Gas will typically last for three months before its peak effects start to wash away. But with a fuel stabilizer, you can slow down the oxidation process considerably.
For this purpose, you’ll have to add a fuel stabilizer ideal for a year to the tank. You can add the same amount after a year, but the maximum fuel will go is three years. The continuous addition of stabilizers after three years will only result in below-standard gasoline.
Note that you may have more than three years of good gasoline using a fuel stabilizer if the stored gas is free of ethanol.
Keep the Storage Containers In a Cool, Dry Place
Water is gasoline’s worst enemy. Thus, gas has to be stored such that it is impossible for humidity (regardless of how minimal) to get inside. For a start, this means that you have to seal the crevices at the points of entrance perfectly. The exposure of gas tanks to water will significantly reduce the ability of the gas & quicken its oxidation process, thereby shortening its lifespan.
Your storage has to be shady. Direct sunlight has to be avoided at all costs, as high temps will quicken fuel evaporation & also speed up the oxidation process.
Use & Replace
This option is more ideal in normal circumstances when there’s easy access to gas. In the absence of the storage tips provided above, gas will rapidly lose quality. The best way to avoid this is to use & replace it as soon as exhausted.
Concluding The Ways To Store Gasoline For The Long-Term
Storing gasoline for the long-term is advisable for a prepper. There are several reasons to, anyway. You have easier access to water, faster means of bugging out & a sure way to make extra cash. We’ll look at other important considerations in subsequent posts. Before then, are there other ways to store gasoline for the long-term? Let’s hear you.