When choosing the ideal state to live in when SHTF, an informed prepper will not touch New York City even with a long stick. In other words, New York is arguably one of the worst states to find yourself in when disaster strikes. But I doubt you’d know this. There are various states like New York that you should never be in when there’s a catastrophe.
These states feature a couple of factors that aggravate disasters. To begin with New York, there are tens of millions of New Yorkers who may hamper your chances of survival when the poop hits the fan. Plus, some of these states have very liberal regulations regarding SHTF scenarios. You can easily be targeted by criminals during disasters.
Furthermore, the possibility of getting hit by a missile is much higher if you live in populous states. And this risk is not restricted to missile strikes. A state with millions of inhabitants is inviting to dangers; there are many criminals among everyone; escaping will be tough too.
5 Factors to Consider When Choosing the Ideal State to Live In When SHTF
The problems associated with living in the wrong state when SHTF are quite numerous. It’s disturbing that most preppers are not aware of these high-danger states, so they can bug out to the safest states when there’s a problem.
I would have loved to mention the worst states to be in when SHTF, but state loyalty may matter & it will take a lot of time to go through the entire state. We’ll instead look at the factors that determine the safety of a state when the system goes haywire.
By considering these factors yourself, you will be able to identify the states you should be in & those to leave as soon as you catch wind of danger. Here we go.
Population Density
This factor is the most critical criterion to consider when assessing a state’s safety when the poop hits the fan. The population density plays a lot of roles, and states with a very high density may even court disaster due to some things.
First off, a state with many citizens is sure to be crime-rampant when there’s turmoil everywhere. And here’s what may affect you the most. It is typical for most people to flee larger cities to find safety in less populous places, especially the woodlands. However, doing this in a large city may expose you to a couple of dangers, most potentially from other people living in the state. This is even more dangerous if you’re bugging out alone.
Also, the fact that so many people will be looking to escape may make it impossible to. It is common for bridges in large cities to become choked when there’s a ruckus overcrossing it — and trust ruckuses to be a norm when the chips are down. This extends to all means of transportation — airplanes are easily filled, same as ships & trains. It may become a very rough struggle. Even pedestrians are not left out.
Land Prices
If you are looking to move into the states now with a view on prepping, it is advisable to move to states where land prices are affordable & low. States like this will afford you the opportunity to spend money on other items related to survival gear & your prepping lifestyle. This may not be a direct link, but there’s a level of influence between the two.
States like Florida, California & New York have costly land prices, with specific areas costing up to tens of millions for only 20-25 acres.
Fortunately, there are a number of states with competitive prices when it comes to houses & lands. These states are known for offering large plots of land at affordable costs. These lands are usually not in sophisticated areas like the high-cost ones, but they’ll do just fine too.
Presence of Natural Resources
The amount of natural resources in a state is as important as the population density of that state. Therefore, you may want to be in a place where there’s a considerable amount of these resources to harvest when SHTF.
Escaping into the woodlands without your supplies (either due to unpreparedness or the need to leave everything behind for survival) may not be very difficult to cope with if the woods are filled with resources that can keep you alive. Therefore, to sustain life, you’re highly advised to move to a state where there’s a lot of resources to harvest.
However, note that you do not have these choices when in a do-or-die scenario. The only thing to do when the walls are rapidly closing in is to make a quick escape regardless of the resources available where you’re headed — as long as you’ll survive there.
The Climate
A state’s climate is another factor to look at before making your move, particularly depending on the gear you have & your survival skill sets. Some states experience excessive summers & even droughts, while some are characterized by abnormal snowfalls.
For instance, if Alaska would be a bad idea due to your sensitivity to low temperatures (cold), it may be necessary to make the switch to places with temps you can survive in.
A critical consideration is the possibility of natural disasters occurring in the state you’re moving to. States with regular occurrences of wildfires, hurricanes, flooding, or any other disaster should be avoided.
Firearms Laws & Crime Rates
When selecting a new state to move to, it’s always vital to assess the rulings on firearms and the crime rate. Knowing the stance of the government on gun purchase, ownership, carry & other aspects will ensure you aren’t considered a criminal when you move there. Knowing the crime rate, too, will help to pick a place with less possibility of being attacked or robbed.
By figuring out these two, you’re able to make informed decisions on your levels of preparations.
Final Lines on Choosing the Ideal States to Live in When SHTF
Bugging out from a state of disaster to another is a usual course of action when SHTF. However, where are you heading out to? You have to consider the factors above to be sure you’re not going to a worse place. Let’s hear you: are there any other thoughts on choosing the ideal states to live in when SHTF?