That’s a blatant jolt to reality: what if you were kidnapped? That explains why I’m equally barging into the topic without any intro.
Thinking of it, I think it’d be safer to make a little intro on this: we don’t want you mistaking me for the kidnapper.
Kidnapping has become a more common crime. It can be devastating to know (even for me to say) that there were 421, 394 reported cases of missing persons in 2019 only. As it stands, kidnappers have become wiser than before, and I don’t think evading them is easy as soon as you become a target.
However, we still have to understand that criminals target who looks most vulnerable. So, yes, you can make yourself difficult to kidnap, but there’s always the possibility of it happening.
So — I reload — what if you were kidnapped?
In Case of. An. Attempt
If a person attempts to kidnap you, the first logical step would be to draw attention, if you believe that people can hear or notice you. However, few kidnappers would be, today, deterred by the shouts of their victims to draw attention. This is because they own more guns now, and so most people don’t bother calling attention.
If an attempt is made while in your car, you can employ delay tactics before getting out of the car. In fact, I’d suggest that you try as hard as you can to remain inside while you shout out at whoever may be hearing. However, it can be risky to do so, considering that some criminals may feel threatened and may panic at this time.
That’s the last thing you want a man with a gun to be. Better be kidnapped now than be shot dead.
Things to Have in Mind if you are Kidnapped
If, unfortunately, you find yourself hostage either for ransom — or any other reason, you must remember that the authorities & your family will search for you. And while you will be deprived of every tool you may have, you need to know that you’d still have your greatest weapon: your mind. Expert kidnappers understand this & that’s why they do their best to ensure you forget thinking & start begging to live.
In this section, we’ll talk about things to do if you ever get kidnapped. Here we go.
Evaluate Your Kidnappers
Ascertaining the state of your kidnappers can be a weapon for you. Are they extremely high on drugs and aren’t even thinking straight? Is there any chance of you reasoning with them? If they are drugged up, it’s safe to expect no consideration from them, so just stay low & do everything they say because their fingers are itchy in this state too.
On the other hand, kidnappers who are in their right senses can be reasoned with to cut you some slack. You may request to have your hands untied or your mouth uncovered. It is easier to gain the trust of a reasonable kidnapper too. You can excuse yourself to pee & work out an escape plan, although you must be sure this plan has a very high chance of working before implementing it.
Understand that Your Kidnappers Want to Mess Up Your Mind
When in the middle of nowhere at the mercy of someone, it is easy to become a loyal slave to the one in charge. The sight of the fingers of your kidnapper on the trigger is usually enough to send you trembling. And as if this were not enough, the kidnapper is in control of every resource.
He decrees when you eat, if you would eat, what to eat, if you should drink water or if you should use the toilet. He has every power in hand, and if he is manipulative a little, it’s only a matter of hours before you see him as your owner. You thank him for every little benefit that he offers.
This is even worsened if your kidnapper is just one, and he’s the only one you can see. The effects may bear down on you even more than ordinary. Expect all these behaviors of the kidnapper, so you are prepared enough if they start exhibiting.
Learn to Comply with Your Kidnapper
I understand courage & making a dash for it, but I never advise escaping with a plan you’re not sure of. In fact, be 100% compliant with your kidnapper — that’s what I advise. Have you watched movies centered on kidnapping? Did you notice that the stubborn kid got a lot of unnecessary harshness from the villain?
That’s the norm in real life too. Be obedient to your kidnapper. Let him believe you’re as vulnerable as he wants. With him believing that every power rests in his hands & that you’re not interested in the least in challenging his command, he finds it easier to trust you.
Trust it when I say you don’t want to be on the other end of this street — even West Life would fare better.
Do note that this is different from the 2nd point above. What that means is that you realize that the kidnapper will want to own you. Prep your mind against his control but display a total act of submissiveness to him.
That’s you acting like a wolf to detect the traps & then acting like a lion to chase off the foxes.
Pick up Every Piece of Information that you Hear
A smart kidnapper would never let you know. By not knowing anything, the human mind is left anxious & worried — give it a couple of hours & it’s broken. For this reason, you have to be very ready to listen & store information. Everything that you hear has to be documented in your head.
Is it that one of the kidnappers is called a name? Did they talk about a city? Is your kidnapper making a call? What name is he calling? What’s the ringing tone of his cellphone? How about the accent? Does he use slang? What slangs?
Store everything. Remember it all. There’s a lot of importance to picking up information.
So, What if You Were Kidnapped?
This article has yet to fully look at the do’s & don’ts of being kidnapped. There are many more to know, which we’ll look at in the subsequent post. For now, I’m sure you have an idea of your answers: so, what if you were kidnapped?