Before you wonder why to look at a basic question like “why do we prep,” you should ask 200 people what they think is meant by prepping. Chances are you’re going to receive a lot of strikingly different answers & opinions.
Answers are bound to range from being more self-sufficient & more off-grid to being prepared for a hurricane & having the ability to survive in the wilderness to being financially prepared for economic downfall & being able to survive when the brown stuff hits the fan (which means a whole soiree of scenarios).
Answering the Question: Why do we prep?
Why Do We Prepare?
In a way or two, we are all preppers — or at least, most of us are. We have always prepared for things in one or two ways. When I started working, I understood the possibility of unforeseen circumstances, and it was only a matter of time before I wanted to get a savings account (in case of financial emergency), car insurance (in case of accident or damage to my vehicle) & insurance (for house & properties). I also made backups of my files in case of spoilage to their main source of storage.
Having set these mechanisms in place, it was much easier to go through life with the assurance that there was something to fall back on if things went wrong. And so, when I watched my car tumble off a cliff, I had my insurance to fall back on. It didn’t cost me much, save for the heartbreak — I wasn’t in the car, you see. Damage is done anyway, but I had something to start with again.
You surely can think of unfortunate scenarios that have happened that you would handle better if you prepared better. It could have been an avoidable injury while playing a sport, and you’d have thought, “oh, maybe I could have avoided this if I’d prepared better.” You should be getting the hang now.
Now, we prepare because we do not want to be caught off guard again. We want to stare down & capably (even if not conveniently) handle whatever situation we find ourselves in. We want to be able to handle a family emergency that comes up. You want to be able to pay for a medical emergency involving you or your family members.
Now, this simply has to be related to broader but specific fields. As an actual prepper, you’re preparing for things that could go wrong with the world as well as with your personal life. You’re prepping ahead to know how to stay afloat when the economy becomes depressed, how to survive during a nuclear war, chemical attack, or natural disaster.
You are learning beforehand things to do to survive if you ever have to live in the wilderness. Also, you want to survive a heart attack or treat a cut to the hands very efficiently before seeking professional help.
Surely, these are not everyday events, but there’s no knowing when they might happen. That exactly is why we prepare. We want to be awake with our guns blazing, ready to fire when the enemy approaches. We want to turn on the blinding lights on the bad ones when they sneak up our doorstep.
That is what makes us preppers. We do not ever want to be caught off-guard.
Conclusion on the Question “Why do We Prep?”
As earlier said, this may not be of much help to you, but it is, to starters. I hope that the next time you come across questions like “why do we prep?” you forward this article to whoever asks the question. Let’s hear your opinion: do you think we have missed any of the reasons we prep?