Building your baby’s bug out bag has to be carefully done. Babies are still very vulnerable to unfavorable conditions. A cold is enough to kill a child & that too, in record time. So you must not make the mistake of planning this kit as you would your basic bug out bag.
Some schools of thought suggest that it is best to prepare your baby’s kit even before it is born, but I don’t see the need to. Except poo has hit the fan already & you need to plan. Still, I don’t mean that it is wrong to prep ahead before delivering your baby. I just believe it may be better to see the little one to know the exact preparations to make.
Considerations When Building Your Baby’s Bug Out Bag
Begin With the Basics
The basics have to be your first considerations. When these have been covered, then all that’s left is the extras to introduce some pleasantness to the baby’s life. So, let’s see what these basics are.
Water First
Water is the fundamental need of every living being, particularly an infant. It is therefore mandatory to plan for water. The following are reasons to plan for sufficient water when building your baby’s bug out bag:
- Hydration: You can survive for 2-3 good weeks without eating, but it will take you just three days without water to lose consciousness. This is even more terrible for babies. They get more dehydrated than adults, and that too, very quickly. Babies derive water mostly from the milk or formulas they take.
- Mixing Formula: Mixing formulas are a necessity, even if the mom breastfeeds. There has to be a contingency plan to talk back on. Stress can affect the mother’s ability to produce milk. Plus, there could be other scenarios that may deprive a baby of its mother’s milk. You need to have a readily available supply of fresh, clean water for mixing baby formula.
- Hygiene: Cleanliness is commonly overlooked among preppers. And despite that health is linked to hygiene, most of us can survive very filthy conditions. However, when this is a baby, it is necessary to emphasize on staying clean. Infants can hardly do well in dirty places.
There is a prevalent problem with including water in a baby’s bug out bag, and that’s the bulkiness. Thankfully, there’s always sufficient water for survival in a place as long as you have the means to make the water pure. So, here’s a good piece of advice: instead of packing water with the aim of using for three days, include a good water purifier in your baby’s bag.
Food (Mixing Formula)
Baby food is typically breast milk — or mixing formula. Naturally, I believe that natural break milk is healthier than mixing formulas but don’t count on it. Some instances make breastfeeding impossible. As I already mentioned, stress can be a precursor of irregular breast milk production, or it may halt the process entirely.
Therefore, your baby bug out bag must be equipped to feed her when it matters without having to wait until breast milk is available.
Note now that the brand of the formula is a mandatory consideration before making a choice. Do not settle for the cheapest can on the shelf. For your infant’s sake, try out different formulas to be aware of what your baby prefers the most. Also, do well to avoid brands with previous quality controversies or any foul reputation. Your baby’s immune system might not be as strong as yours & it’s your responsibility to ensure he or she eats what’s very healthy.
Bottles & Nipples
Bottles are essential in your baby’s bug out bag, and so are nipples. I mean, what is the use of your mixing formula without a container to mix in? I suggest that you always keep at least two bottles & nipples for your baby. It may do you well to avoid glass bottles for obvious reasons.
My ideal recommendation would be bottles with plastic liners. If you’re on the run, these bottles will eliminate the necessity of having to stop to wash & sterilize bottles. In case you aren’t familiar with it, the plastic liner in these bottles can be removed after use, so the main container is always brand new. Nipples should not be a problem, too, as having many in the bag won’t be expensive.
Basic Hygienic Items
Healthiness is crucial to you and your baby’s happiness, and cleanliness is a major influencer of health — especially with babies. Basic hygiene has to be a pertinent consideration; therefore, if you don’t want a crying baby in your arms at all times. When we talk of the hygienic needs of the baby, think of:
- Washing & bathing: Babies have to be kept clean & fresh. And while it is best to try as hard as you can to keep them clean, even little efforts are appreciated and better than doing nothing at all. A quick body rub using a wet wipe once a day is enough. Include bottles of baby body wash & shampoos too.
- Toiletries: Your baby has to have his or her specific & private toiletries. Little amounts of baby skin creams, oils & rash ointments are highly advisable. Wet wipes are also highly advisable because they have a lot of uses. You should pack more than you can think you’ll be using.
Diapers are also hygienic items, but I’m attributing a heading to them to underline their significance. If this is your first child, it may be easy to miss the incredible importance of diapers to babies. Without these items, life can be hell for these babies, as well as their parents. Fortunately, disposable diapers are available these days. They take very little time to change.
You can also make do with cloth diapers due to choice or difficulties. Some factors to consider when buying these diapers include reusability, cost & how to dispose of them.
Conclusion on Building Your Baby’s Bug Out Bag
The fundamentals of building your baby’s bug out bag are addressed helpfully above. You should not have any issues prepping up your baby for survival, therefore. Remember that the bag looked at above is mostly applicable when the aim is solely survival. We’ll look at other items to include for luxury in subsequent posts.