In this article, we discuss the factors to consider when buying your long-term food kit. Because, honestly, what is life without the foods to eat? I’m betting survival is not really a problem when you solve the puzzle of what to eat.
Long-term food storage is a problem most fail to handle when making prepping preparations. There are various considerations involved, but what I would readily advise is going for survival food kits if there are resources to afford it. These are pre-packed & save you the stress of making your selections yourself.
However, there are hundreds of survival food kits on the market. So making a choice has to be thoroughly done. Below are top factors to put into consideration when making your choice. Let’s call it a buying guide.
Top Factors to Consider When Buying Your Long-term Food Kit
This refers to the attractiveness of the food you’ll find in the kit, and I’m not talking of mere looks. There are several things to look at, and the three most important are:
Taste: If you’ll be investing hundreds or possibly thousands of your sweat on long-term food storage, it’s only right that it tastes nice. You wouldn’t give it much thought now, but few things beat the feeling that comes with eating a tasty meal in an SHTF scenario. For real, delicious meals in otherwise times are a blessing.
If you have kids at home, you want to care for the texture of the meals you’re storing. How does the food taste on the tongue? Can your little ones swallow it? You need to pay great attention to this; else, you’ll be stockpiling what only you & the puppy will be eating.
Looks: Apart from the texture of your meals, you need to consider how they look too. They should at least look like normal foods, if they can’t be very attractive to look at. You don’t want to eat a meal that looks like the 8-eye frog from Men in Black after you just fought off an alien invasion.
The entire idea behind survival preparedness is looking into what may happen & setting up mechanisms to prevent the effects from being heavy on us. When selecting food, therefore, you have to ensure it can sustain you. It had to be able to keep you sustained physically & mentally. Will your food stash help you maintain peak physical performance?
What’s the shelf life of what you’re stockpiling? Will it last for a long time? Can you trust the stash to be eatable in a decade? How about 15 years? Or 25 years? Are the necessary storage conditions available at your disposal? You obviously shouldn’t stockpile foods that need a lot of warmth if you live in Antarctica.
This is obviously important. Is the kit affordable? Is it within the price range that you can afford for the whole family? You don’t want to stockpile foods that will hardly be enough for a month. You want to be prepared regardless of how long the poo stays on the fan.
Concluding the Factors to Consider When Buying Your Long-term Food Kit
There is only one conclusion to the factors to consider when buying your long-term food kit: they all must be considered. You don’t want to buy expensive foods, but you don’t want to buy cheap ones that your kids can’t eat too. You have to make proper considerations & strike a reasonable balance.